Chapter 8

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"Why can't I come to the wedding?"

I ruffle Harin's curls. "Because there aren't going to be any other kids there. You'll be bored, and up way past your bedtime."

Her bottom lip juts out as she bounces onto my bed. "No fair. I'm four now. I can stay up later."

I adjust the tie around my neck, double-checking it in the mirror before I sit down beside my daughter. "I'm sorry, baby. But you're going to have so much fun with Annie tonight. And I'll be back in time for breakfast

"Can you bring home a rainbow bagel for me?"

"Of course."
She climbs onto my lap and I wrap my arms around her, breathing in
her sweet scent. "You still smell like you did when you were a baby, you
know that?"

She rests her head on my shoulder. "I don't remember being a baby."

"No, we don't really have memories from when we're that young."

She lifts her head and brings her big round eyes to meet mine. "Are you
going to have a wedding one day like Uncle Yoongi?"

Unease twists my gut. "I'd like to."

"So why don't you get married then?"

"Because I have to find someone to love first."

"Well, are you looking?"

I chuckle and press my lips to her forehead. "Sometimes. But I'm busy
with hockey and being your dad. If it's meant to be, then the right person
will find me."

She furrows her brows. "That's not how it works, Daddy. You have to
go find them. The prince always has to go on an adventure and that's where he meets the princess."

"You think I need to go on an adventure?"

She nods. "You can bring tannie and me as your sidekicks. Like Olaf and

I lift her in my arms as I rise from the mattress, and walk into the hallway. "And what kind of adventure should we go on?"

"I don't know. I'm just a kid. You need to figure that part out yourself."

I laugh, deep and loud, the way this girl always makes me laugh. "Okay,
I'll think about it."

"You need a princess, Daddy."

"You're the only princess I need, baby." I smack another kiss to her
cheek before setting her down on the kitchen counter. "Now, let's go over
the rules while I'm gone."

Harin's shoulders droop.
"No chocolate before lunch, and Annie is the boss."

I nod. "Just because you're cute doesn't mean you get to be in charge.
Respect the grown-ups. You got me?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Annie lifts Harin from the counter. "Doesn't Daddy look handsome
all dressed-up?"

My girl nods. "Just like a prince."

I arch a brow. "Maybe lay off the Disney movies for a while. Watch a
documentary or something."

Annie laughs. "Roger that."

"I love you, baby. Be good and have fun." I shoot Annie a wink as I grab my wallet and keys off the counter. "Thanks, Annie. Call me if you
need anything."

"We'll be fine," she calls after me.

Guilt pricks at me like it always does whenever I go somewhere without
my daughter. I make a mental note to take her somewhere fancy where she can get dressed up like a princess for a night.

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