Chapter 16

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"Hurry up with the popcorn. It's on!"
Kourtney, Celeste and I huddle together on the couch while Jimin
scurries over with two overflowing bowls of freshly popped popcorn.
The Goldfinches are at a press conference today, and there's a lot for the players to discuss. Not only are they in the middle of an undefeated season, but the world recently found out that defenseman Jason Stamos is in a polyamorous relationship with Kourtney and Celeste. And as of the other night, people also found out that Kim Taehyung has been hiding a secret Boyfriend. But the biggest bomb about to drop at this press conference revolves around a curly-haired little girl. Today's the day Harin steps into the spotlight.

My stomach has been in knots all morning for Taehyung. Seeing him
the way he was the other night when he showed up at the gallery, shaking
and anxiety-ridden, was so unlike the calm, composed man he usually is. It
breaks my heart to see all the hard work he put into hiding Harin go to
shit all because of his spiteful grandfather and his conniving lawyer.

Harin is too innocent to be caught in the crossfire of this situation, and
Taehyung doesn't deserve to have this choice stripped from him. But I truly believe that taking control and being the one to announce this news will help Taehyung in the long run. Jimin turns up the volume on the TV as the boys take their seats along the panel. The hockey questions start, but all I can focus on is Taehyung in a suit.
Damn, that man is attractive.

Memories of his kiss flash through my mind for the gazillionth time today. It was so unlike him, so impulsive. There was no reason for him to kiss me. No one watching to catch it on camera. He did it because he wanted to. Because he couldn't stand not kissing me. It was intoxicating
and I want more. But I can't have more. Taehyung made it clear that we have to keep things platonic. While I
don't understand how sex would lead to love, I do understand him wanting
to set boundaries where Harin is concerned. After a year, this will all be over. I'll go back to my life, and they'll go back to theirs. The last thing I want is that little girl thinking I'm going to be her new mommy, only to rip it away from her in the end.

Celeste's fingers snap in front of my face. "You good, Jungkook?" My head snaps up as I blink back to the present moment. "What? I'm here." She snickers. "You were thinking about that kiss again, weren't you?" I rub my temples. "It's like my brain is stuck on a loop."

"A good kiss will do that to you," Kourtney says, smiling at Celeste.
"Do you remember ours?" Celeste beams. "I'll never forget it. I was shocked as shit that the girl I'd been in love with all throughout high school was actually kissing me."
"And now look at you." Jimin heaves a dreamy sigh. "Together forever with Jason, after all three of you were best friends in high school." "Having sex on a porn website," I add.

Kourtney's cheeks redden like it always does when we bring up the new website she built. We've been friends for over a year now, and she's the last person I'd ever peg for creating a porn-infused dating app. I'm more surprised about this than I am about the three of them being together-I saw that shit coming from a mile away, with all the flirting and stolen glances.

"Have you thought about making an account on the site?" Celeste asks.
I scrunch my nose. "I'm pretty much down for anything when it comes
to sex, but posting it on the internet for anyone to see? I'm not sure if that's my kind of kink."
"You don't have to post it publicly." Jimin shovels a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "You can see who you match up with first and then send private messages to them."
"That wouldn't be very proper for an almost-married man like myself, now would it?" I roll my eyes. "I'm stuck in the world of celibacy for the next year."

"Listen!" Celeste gestures to the press conference on the screen. "They just asked V about his new boyfriend."
Confident and composed as always, Taehyung graces the cameras with
a smile. "jungkook and I have been dating for the last six months. We met through mutual friends, and we wanted to keep things private while we got to know each other."

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