Chapter 37

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Jungkook is the first thing I see when I open my eyes. Which is fitting, because he was the last thing to flash through my mind right before I cracked my head on the ice.

Waking up, it takes me a while to understand where I am, as well as
what happened, but my brain slowly pieces it together. I can't talk right
away either, which is so frustrating because all I want to do is tell Jungkook how much I love him. How sorry I am for worrying him. How awful I feel for leaving everything on his shoulders.

I was out for a week. I missed a whole week. It kills me to know I scared my daughter like that. Jungkook tells me he was a trooper, but I hate that I put him through something like this.
"Daddy!" Harin's voice pierces through the quiet as she comes
dashing into the hospital room. "Daddy, you're awake!"

Jungkook hoists her up onto the bed, whispering a reminder to be gentle,
and then my baby girl is in my arms. Tears prick my eyes as I hold her little body, sick to my stomach over what she must've went through while I was in a coma. "Daddy, you slept for a really long time. Is your brain all healed-ed now?" "I think so." I tap the band aid on my head. "I think it was Olaf's magic that did it." She giggles. "No, it wasn't. It was the doctors and nurses."

God, the sound of her laughter soothes my aching heart. "I heard you were the best girl for Annie and Jungkook this week." "I was the bestest." She pulls away to look at me and pauses. "Why are you crying, Daddy? Did I hurt you?" "No, baby. Not at all. I'm just so happy to see you." "You missed me while you were sleeping?" I nod. "I did." "I missed you too. Could you hear me talking to you?" "I heard your voice, but I didn't know what you were saying. It was like I could feel you there with me, wherever I was."

She purses her lips like she's trying to make sense of what I said. "I got
my cast off. Look! And I made you a picture while you were sleeping." She points to the paper taped on the wall above my bed, but I can't turn around to look at it. Jungkook reaches over and pulls it off the wall, a small smile on his lips as he hands it to me.

Four stick figures stand beside a tree-one a tall man; the other a little
girl with curly hair; the third a man with long, dark hair; and the fourth is a shorter woman with grayish hair.
Even Tan and loki made it into the picture, sitting together under the
tree. Each of our names are written in perfect capital letters underneath our bodies, but it's the one under Jungkook's stick figure that has my heart filling with emotion. MOMMY.

"This is the most beautiful picture I've ever seen," I whisper, unable to speak around the ball of sentiment in my throat. "I love it." Harin leans in and cups her hand around her mouth as she whispers. "Jungkook took really good care of me, just like a mommy. He was so sad while you were sleeping. I heard him crying a lot at night. He doesn't know I heard him, but I did." A tear slips down my cheek. I never want to be the reason that man cries, and I hate that I was, even if it was out of my control.

"Thank you for keeping his company," I whisper back. "I'm sure you helped him feel happy when he was sad." Harin nods. "When can we go home? This hos-bit-al smells bad, and I don't want to come back here anymore."

Annie laughs as she comes to stand beside my bed. "We'll leave as soon
as the doctor gives us the okay."
I reach out and clasp Annie's hand. "Thank you so much. For
everything." I know she must be exhausted after this last week. Having Harin full-time is a lot for anyone, let alone someone at her age.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm just so glad you're okay." She sniffles
as she squeezes my hand. "Your parents were watching over you, and they guided you back to us."
Harin reaches for Jungkook, and I melt at the ease in which Jungkook
scoops her up into his arms.

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