Chapter 29

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"You okay, Kim?" I keep my head down as I nod, lacing up my skates. "I'm good." Yoongi lowers his voice as he leans in. "Jimin told me what
happened. You should've called me."
I lift my bruised hand. "I didn't need backup." "Still." He blows out a breath through his lips. "Jungkook okay?"

I've tried to shake the image of Carter choking him out of my mind, but
it's all I see when I look at those red marks around his neck. If I would've
gotten there just two minutes later, who knows what he would've done to him. "He's alive."

Yoongi nods. "I would've lost my mind if someone put their hands on Jimin like that." I did lose my mind for a minute there. Had Jungkook not stopped me..."What's happening with the scumbag?" "We met Brittany at the precinct this morning, and they filed restraining orders against him."
"Are they pressing charges?"
"They didn't want to, but everything is on record, including the video."
I swallow. "And hopefully the fucker doesn't try to come at me with assault charges." He shouldn't, as I was quite convincing before I left the gallery last night.

As soon as Jungkook and Brittany left Carter's office to wait in the truck, I dialed 911 and then I dragged him off the floor and propped him up in a chair. Blood dripped from his split lip, as well as from a gash along his cheekbone. His face was swollen and bruised, and the evidence of my rage turned my stomach. I haven't lost control like that since a fight I had on the ice when I first started playing. Since then, I've learned to keep my anger in check. But when it comes to Jungkook's safety, apparently all bets are off.

I threatened to slap him with a lawsuit and take him for everything he's worth if he even thinks about coming after me or Jungkook. I hate using my celebrity status, but in this case, it came in handy. I told him I have friends in high places because everyone in this city is a Goldfinches fan, and they're eager to see me take my team to the playoffs this year. So, he'd be wise to tuck his tail and take responsibility for his actions against the women in his gallery.

I also threatened to kill him if he lays another unwanted finger on my wife ever again. I think he got the message loud and clear. Still, you never know what a slimy bastard like him will do when faced with jail time.

"I'm glad you're all okay." Yoongi claps me on the back. "Let's get a
win tonight. Our boys are out there watching." My head snaps up to him. "Jungkook is here?" Yoongi smiles wide. "Along with someone else."

My eyebrows press together. He didn't tell me he was coming to the
game tonight. I figured he'd want to stay home and rest after last night.
And who is he with? As soon as I'm announced onto the ice, I skate out and make a beeline for Jimin's usual seats behind the goal. I spot Jungkook next to him-wearing my jersey with a yellow scarf wrapped around his precious neck-and then I spot a little curly-haired girl bouncing on his lap.
Wearing the same exact jersey, only in a much smaller size.

"Daddy!" I can hear her shouting as I get closer. I stop right in front of the boards and place my gloved hand against the glass. "Hi, baby!"
Harin points to her jersey. "I'm wearing your number!" I laugh. "It looks so good on you." My babies are here, wearing my number. I have people in the crowd here for me.

My eyes dart to Jungkook. He knew I needed this. He knows what it
means to me. Thank you, I mouth.
He shoots me a wink, and a smile sweeps across his face, wide and
unbridled and genuine. My heart nearly bursts from the sight of it.
God, I love this man.

In spite of what he did, as angry as I am about his sneaky plan to catch
Carter, I can't turn my back on him. He's been on his own for so long,
unloved and unappreciated by his parents, unaware of all that he is and
deserves. He needs to see that no matter what, I'm always going to be here for him. I'm always going to have his back. He can trust me. He can lean on me. He can count on me to hold hid hand through anything.
I think he's beginning to understand the way I feel about him. And I think he might feel the same way about me. I only wonder if he knows it.

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