Chapter 2

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I ease open the front door and creep inside my house, making sure to close it quietly behind me before gently laying my keys on the entryway
table so they don’t make too much noise. But it’s no use.

The jingling of metal followed by the pitter-patter of feet echo in the


I flip on the lights just in time to see a flash of unruly dark curls as it crashes into my leg, followed by our dog, Tannie, jumping up to plant his front paws on my ribs.

“Daddy, you’re home. I waited up for you.”

“Even though I told her not to.” Annie, my nanny, leans against the wall and shakes her head as she gives me an apologetic smile.

I chuckle as I push yeontan down so I can hoist Harin into my arms.
“That’s okay. I’m in the mood for some bedtime snuggles anyway.”

Harin wraps her arms and legs around me like a koala, laying her
head on my shoulder. I close my eyes, relishing in her love and letting her
warmth soothe my troubled heart.
“Can we lay in the big bed together?” she asks.

“Sure. Why don’t you take Tannie into my room and get it ready for me so
I can say goodnight to Annie and lock up the house.”

Harin squeals, not in the least bit tired as she springs from my arms.
“Bye, Annie! Come on, tannie. I told you Daddy would let us snuggle in his

I shake my head as they run into the hallway, thick as thieves.
“She doesn’t want to snuggle. She’s only using me for my bed.”

Annie grins. “She’s a master manipulator, and she’s only three.”

“I’m terrified to see how smart she’ll be when she’s a teenager.” I chuckle. “How was everything tonight?”

“Fine, as always.”
Annie is a longtime family friend who I kept in touch with after my parents passed. When she found out about Harin three years ago, she jumped at the chance to help me. I was an unexpected parent, and became
an unexpected single parent when Harin’s mom relinquished her rights.

Annie was there for me when I had no one, and she has become an
important part of our family. Sometimes, I think my mother sent her to me because she couldn’t be here herself.

Annie slides on her coat, but before she opens the front door, she turns
around to face me. “You know you’re allowed to have a personal life,
Taehyung.” She lowers her voice as she glances toward the hallway. “Being a father doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to do things for yourself every once in a while.”

Heat creeps into my cheeks, as if she can see the evidence of Jungkook all
over me. “I just want to be here for Harin. That’s my priority.”

“As she should be. But your happiness is a priority too. Don’t let yourself feel guilty about it. Your parents would tell you the same if they were here.”

I pull her in for a much-needed hug. “Thank you, Annie.”

“I just want to see you happy.” She presses her palm to my cheek.
“That’s all.”

I nod. “I know.”
I watch her until she’s safely inside the guest house in our yard, and then I make my way into my bedroom to see my favorite girl.

Harin is sprawled out in the middle of my bed with tannie beside her—head on a pillow like the human she thinks she is. I pause in the doorway,
my chest expanding as my heart swells at the sight.

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