Chapter thirty three:

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Aaliyahs Pov:

I get woken up by Mattheo shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and look in his direction. His big blue eyes are looking back at me. "Good morning mamma" he says as he scoots closer to me so he can give me a hug. I wrap my arms around him and reply, "good morning my love how are you?" I pull away from the hug and sit up. "I am good! I am super excited because lando is coming! And we get to see loads of f1 cars!" He says excitedly. I laugh in response and then get out of bed.

Today is the day lando is coming to the uk. His boarded his flight about 6 hours ago so he should land in the next 3 hours. He asked me if I could pick him up from the airport and obviously I said i would. The airport isn't very far from my parents house so I told him to tell me when he lands so I can leave.

"Do you want to make breakfast for nanna and grandpa?" I ask Mattheo. He nods his head repeatedly "yes please mamma! I love cooking and baking!" He says as he got out of the bed and rushes to my door. "I know you do baby" I say as I open the door and walk downstairs towards the kitchen. I open the cupboard and see if there are any ingredients to make waffles. I see all the ingredients I need and grab all of them.

"Are we making waffles?" Mattheo asks. "Yes we are do you want to mix everything together and I will measure the ingredients?" I ask. Mattheo mobs his head in response.

In a large bowl, Mattheo mixes together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar. He then puts that bowl aside and gets another bowl. As he was doing that, I Preheat the waffle maker and set it to the recommended temperature.

In the separate bowl, Mattheo beats the eggs,Stir in the milk, butter and vanilla. He pours the milk mixture into the flour mixture and then mixes them together.

I spoon in some of the batter mixture in to the waffle maker and then close the lib. We cook the waffles until golden and crisp.

"Are they done mamma?" Mattheo asks. "Yes they are, why don't you go and get your grandparents whilst I finish the breakfast." I reply "ok mamma" he says as he rushes out the kitchens and runs up the stairs.

Once i finished making enough to feed us all, I place them on the plates and then decorate the waffles with fruit and syrup.

As we were eating breakfast, we never stopped talking. It is mostly Mattheo telling us stories about preschool. He tells us about his friend Jakob who also loves cars and f1. I told my parents that lando asked if I could pick him up and they said that he should come here once I have because they want to meet him. I told them I will ask him when I see him.

After we ate breakfast, I quickly clean up and then I walk upstairs to my room and begin to get ready for the day.  I quickly do my skincare and then my makeup routine. I look in the mirror and see that my makeup looks good so I  begin taking the bands out my hair and unbraid my hair.

Once I finished getting ready, I got Mattheo's clothes out and the called him to get ready. After we were both done, we go back downstairs and walk into the living room where my parents are.

Some time has passed and now it is finally time to pick Lando up from the airport. For the last hour and a half  all I have done is watch Netflix and wait for a message or a phone call. I  turn to my parents. "I am just going to pick Lando up from the airport." I say as I get up off the couch. "Ok kiddo, see you later" my dad said as I walk over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. " ok sweetie see you soon" my mom said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go baby" i say to Mattheo as I walk towards the door and grab all my belongings. "Ok!" He says as he runs to catch up to me. I shut the door behind me, unlock the car, open the back door and then buckle Mattheo into the car seat. I close the door and then walk to the drivers seat, I get in the car and then begin to drive.
I was tired writing this so sorry it's not very good.

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