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We'll see that later now.

I heard what said when I felt dizzy and fainted.

Yn, I see she fainted, I am so hard on her that she can't handle it. Ohh .my yn poor baby.

Then I made her wore her clothes and then I called a lady doctor.

After sometime that doctor arrived and started to check her stethoscope.

Doctor what happened, why she fainted is there is nothing serious nah.

No no there is nothing serious she is weak she didn't eat anything from yesterday give her rest and make sure to give her meals from time to time and healthy.

Okk doctor, but when she comes in consciousness.

In the morning.


I'll take my leave now.


Then the doctor walked out of the room.

I sat beside her and carried her cheeks.

Why are you so stubborn huh, why you can't listen to me, why you always disobey me.

You know what I love you so much and i don't want to hurt you but you always do the things that make me hurt you.

You accept me or not i don't care about the things I care about if you're mine always and forever I'll always protect you from this cruel world.

Then I kissed her forehead and lay on bed I kept my head on his chest and hugged her by the waist.

                      In the morning.

My sleep gets disturbed because of sun rays hitting my face.

When i opened my I felt pain in my whole body when last night flashback came into my mind.

Then I try to get when i feel someone is hugging me. And it's none other than bastard jungkook.

Then I jerked her hand away from the waist and shifted to my left and got up in a sitting position.

Now he is awake, but i don't care he did not deserve to sleep after making my life hell.

I get up from bed when I feel that fucker Heald my wrist.

I jerked my hand from his grip and got up from the bed and took a step when i fell on the floor on my right side.

Ahhh. I hissed in a pain.


I get out of the bed and walk to her and take her in my arms and her heron the bed.

If you hurt somewhere, show me where you hurt.

Hurting me for the whole night and now asking where you hurt, huh, I am not hurt you're hurt in your head and now your brain cells are not working. I yell.

Let  just take a shower that' makes your pain easy a little then we'll go down for breakfast.

I will take you to the bathroom.

No need to keep your fuking arms for your ugly ass.


AND WHY WOULD I mind my language your should mind you own self last night you crossed you every single fucking limits.

I yelled my lungs out but still my voice did not come that much because now I don't have energy.

I said to you nah, i don't have limits.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get up when he held my wrist.

You can't walk and fall let me take you there.

I jerked his hand and said.

I don't need anyone I am enough to handle myself.

I said and walked away from him to the bathroom and slammed the door  harshly and locked.

It hurts too much but still I walk because I don't wanna look weak and helpless in front of him.

Then I take a warm shower and that makes my body relax.

Then I wear the bathroom and come in front of the mirror

I looked at myself in the mirror and a tear left my eyes.

I can't control my self he rape me he touched me forcefully i can't feel this much weak which I am feeling now.

Why you do that I can never forgive you i begged in front of him to stop but did not stop but I am not weak I'll escape from here whatever I have I'll do and escape from here today.

Jungkook pov

I take a shower in another room and after that I again come into our room.

I know it hurts when you walk but still you do that to not let me see how weak you are. She doesn't have energy but still she acts like a struggle.

I came to reality when I heard the door opened revealing my hot and cute yn.

Then I walk to my cupboard and take clothes and walk to her.

Hmm wear this. He said healding his clothes in front of me.

I closed my eyes in frustration.

How many times I have to tell you I'll not wear your clothes can't you take this in your.

You can't come down like this there are many guards and hyung's are also there and I don't want them to see you like this so wear this.

Oh hello it's your mistake you should buy clothes but still I am wearing this useless bathrop.

For now wear this and after breakfast we'll go to the mall to buy clothes for you.

he said make me jump in happiness but still I controlled my excitement because to not make him any doubt that I'll escape from there.

There are many female workers who say to anyone to give clothes to me for today maybe they have extra clothes.

No you'll not wear any workers clothes, wear mine or I'll cancel to take you to the mall.

I take the clothes from his hand harshly and walk in the bathroom and slam the door loudly.

Then I wear his clothes because I want to escape from here then I have to go to the mall.

Then I wear his clothes because I want to escape from here then I have to go to the mall

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I came out of the bathroom when he said.

Looking cute in my clothes i think we should not buy clothes just wear mine.

To be continue

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