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Yn pov.

My breasts are hurting like hell I can bear this pain. He hurt me so much how much I begged in front of him but he did that again.

You think that you torture me and make me do whatever you want,.. then you're wrong I'll not give up this much easily.

Just wait and watch how i escape from here and make you regret what you did to me you'll regret for choosing, me for loving.

You said nah you don't need my love your love is enough for us then see how I make you beg for my love for my attention for my everything but the only thing you get is my hate only my "hate"

I am laying in bed trying to sleep but because of pain I can't sleep but I am tired I just want to sleep and forget the pain and forget everything.

Then after sometime I drifted into my deep slumber.

Jk pov

I come in the living and hyung's are also there then I sit on the couch.

Jungkook what you do with her I heard her shouting voice. Taehyung asked.

I teach her a lesson to disobey me. I said with a smark.

Jungkook you again forced her. Jin said.

I had to do it because she always disobeyed me, I warned her to not escape but she did that.

Jungkook after doing this kind of thing's, in return you can't get anything, she'll only hate you. Suga said.

Hyung don't worry I know how to handle her. In a confident tone.

I know jungkook you'll handle her, but she is not the type of girl, who'll give up this much easily.

Then let her do whatever she wants, because,.. at the end she'll only meet me. I said with a smirk.

But jungkook please don't hurt her. Taehyung said.

V I also don't like to hurt her but she makes me do that.

Then make her understand with love not by forcing.

I'll keep this in my mind now I have some work I am going, you take care of y/n give her meals from time to time.


Then I walk out from the mansion and sit in the car and drive to our underground place.

After sometime I arrived at the place where I walk out from the car and go to the basement where the boy tied with his wrist up to the metal chain like a life less organ.

When my guards powered water on his face. When he flicked and opened his eyes.

W-hy y-you tied m-e I didn't d-do anything. He started by shuttering.

Right you didn't do anything, but my princess did nah, he talked to you, touched you.

N-no she didn't t-touched m-me.

I hate liars, she touches your throat and also, you give her car keys from which hand you give.

The boy didn't say anything when Jungkook got angry and spoke.


The boy got scared from his anger when he said.

F- from r-r-ight h-and.

GUARD, jungkook yelled when a guard came.

Y-yes boss.

Cut his right hand, throat and burn them to ashes and give her body for dogs to eat. He spoke.

Noo p-please d-on't k-kill me l-will go f-far a-away from here and I c-can't s-show y-you m-my face.

How can I not kill huh, you helped her to escape away from me.

The boy begged in front of him for mercy but he didn't show the boy hissed in pain when the guard cut his wrist and then her throat.

But Jungkook is smiling like a psycho. And the guard also didn't hesitate to do this because it's their daily routine to kill people.

                               Yn pov

I wake from my sleep after 4,5 hours but still my breast is hurting. Then I sat on the bed when the bedroom door opened.

Ohh you wake up. taehyung said in happiness.

No I am still sleeping. In an irritating tone.

But you're awake. In a mocking tone.

You see nah, then why are you asking.

Ok I apologise. In a sweet voice.

Just now i got some peace,because your brother is not here, but then you come to destroy my peace.

I come here to talk to you but it's ok if you don't want to.

Say what you want and go away from here.

I said when he sat on the bed's edge. An spoke.

I know you're not happy, for what my brother did to you, but trust me yn he loves you so much, just give him a chance, and see how he'll make your life like heaven.

Heaven huh, he makes my life worse than hell and you're telling me to give him a chance he doesn't deserve a chance.

Yn give him one last chance please. In pleading voice.

I don't wanna talk to you just go away. In an irritating tone.

Please yn.

You know what, jungkook did wrong to me, but you're doing more wrong by supporting him.

That's why I am telling you to give him a chance and everything will be fine.

Nothing will be fine taehyung because, I hate him, he touched me against my will he hurt me so much, you think that I'll give him a chance.

Yn he also didn't want to hurt you, but you always disobeyed him, when he got angry and hurt you.

Really taehyung,..how can you think that I'll obey him,.. after what he did to me,.. how can you accept that, I'll give him a chance and obey him like his slave.

Not like a slave but as a wife.

This marriage is forced.

But you can't change the fact that you're his wife and he is your husband.

Yo- . She got cut off when someone said in his husky voice.

What you too are talking about. Jungkook spoke.

Nothing jungkook, we are just talking about random stuff, i should go now. He said and went out of the room.

How sweetly you talk with taehyung you should talk to me like that else than anyone.

To be continue

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