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Don't touch me. I yell. When he said.

Okk now listen, I am saying you very politely, don't you even dare to escape, because the consequences will not be good for you. He said in a serious voice.

I rolled my eyes when he said.

Do whatever you want but don't disobey me, now let's go.

He said and came out from the car and opened the car Door from my side. Then we walk in the mall.

We entered when a lady employee came and bowed then Said.

Sir maam please come with me. Then we walked behind her and now we are in a room where so many dresses are hanging but no one is there more than three people.

Then the employee said.

Sir ma'am sit here.

There is a couch where we sit on the couch.

Ma'am sir what you like to take tea coffee or juice.

Princess what you want.


One cold coffee.

Okk sir I'll be back. He said and walked out.

Then Jungkook stood up and started seeing the dresses.

When he took clothes and came to me and said.

Angel go and try this. In a sweet voice.

I'll not. I said in a straight tone.

Ohh this much you love my clothes that now you don't wanna remove them. I said in a mocking tone.

I looked at him in an angry face and took the clothes harshly from him and walked into the trial room.

How can I escape from here in this trial room I also don't have any windows.

Yn you have to think something.

This mall is too big then this mall also has a backdoor,... Yes now i can escape from here.

Then I wear those clothes and come out.

When I come out I see he is sitting on the couch like a gentleman, huh,

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When I come out I see he is sitting on the couch like a gentleman, huh,.. gentleman my foot.

I walk to the couch and sit far away from him. When he shifted close to me.

How cute my baby is looking. He said in a sweet tone and Heald my jaw softly and caressed.

When i jurked his hands harshly.

How many times I have to tell you don't touch me. I said in a straight voice. When his eyes become dark in anger.

I am your husband I have all rights on you, so stop being strubbor. He said in an angry voice.

You're my "Forced husband" you don't have any rights on me and never ever you get.

He chuckled. When he said.

Now are done, come drink this. He said and took the cold coffee in front of me. When i rolled my eyes and shifted my face to the other side.

I said you nah stop being strubbor and Drink this you didn't even eat anything you'll get sick.

You don't need to be bothered I'll take care of myself.

You want me to make you drink this forcefully.

I ate breakfast now i don't wanna drink this. I said in an irritating tone.

Really, this much strubbor you're huh,.. you didn't eat anything whenever I sent the food,... you throw that in the toilet. I am telling you you're again and again disobeying me,... because of your behaviour I also don't know what to do next. He yelled.

What he said makes my blood boil in anger. I looked at him in an angry face.

Stop calling me strubbor, I am not strubbor i am not like this, you're the one who is like this.

I can sense the pain in her voice which makes my eyes softened and heart melt. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and opened my eyes. And looked at her and we were looking into each other's eyes.

"Sorry" I said in guilt.

You think that your sorry will make everything right. In a serious tone.

Then what you want me to do.

Let me go.

Come on drink this coffee.

He said and took the coffee mag close to my lips. When I jerked his hand when the coffee fell on his shirt.

He stood up and started to wipe the shirt from tissue.

Clean that with water and it'll be stained.

I don't even touch those clothes after wearing them once.

Then why am I here.

Because you're not your thing you're my love always and forever.

I am in just a minute after cleaning the mess first. He said and walked into the washroom.

When I went close to the washroom and looked at the Door from outside and came out from down.

When i hide behind the clothes because I see his guards are everywhere I am looking here and there to escape from where.

When an employee comes to me.

Ma'am you want something.

No, by the way does this mall have any back door.

Yes, but you can go from this door. She said and pointed her finger to the main door.

Actually my friend is there waiting for me. Can you tell me where the back door is.

Of course ma'am here is the back door. He said pointing her finger to my right side.

Thankyou. I said walk there and come out. In front of me is the road but I can't go by walking he'll catch me anytime. What should I do now.

I am thinking how can I go from here when I see a boy standing there with a car then go to him.

Excuse me, can you give you car I am in a hurry but i promise I'll give your car tomorrow.

He didn't say anything and took the car key in front of me. When I take the key from him and open it when I stop and turn around.

One second how can you give your car to anyone you didn't even ask my name or who I am.

Because I know who you are and what your name is. Your name is Jeon yn and your Jeon Jungkook's wife.

How would you know.

Not only me the whole of Korea knows who you are.

He said when i Heald her throat and tightened the grip.

Don't you even dare to tell anyone that you meet me and give your car to me. Otherwise you'll not be able to see the sun.

I-I will no-t say a-any-thing t-o a-anyone.

Good. I removed my hand and sat in the car and started the engine.

To be continued.

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