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"stop your shitty act"

She said in a claim voice. But he didn't come when she again spoke.

"I am telling you jungkook" then he comes out keeping the popcorn on the table and he sits beside her.

She glared at him in an angry face. "Don't you ever dare to do this kind of thing with me again" she said in an angry voice then she kept her attention in the movie.

When he comes closer to her ear. "Princess I am scared from ghost" she chuckled "the person who killed many people's, without any hesitation, saying me I am sacred from ghost, am I looking like a pabo to you" she said not looking at him.

"No princess you're innocent" he said in his husky voice. "Don't be fooled by my face, I am not what I appear to be, I may look very innocent but from inside I am very dangerous"

Yehh yeh, very dangerous, just like a wild cat. He said in a teasing voice.

She looked at him in an angry face. "Dow dare you to call me a wild cat again, you wild mafia" she said in a cute yelling voice.

From where I am looking like a wild mafia. He asked.  "then from where I am looking like a wild cat.

From everywhere, just look at your art, isn't this type of things wild cats do, she said pointing his finger on his nipple.

this is nothing at all in front of your art. He chuckled "then show me my art then we'll see whose art is wild"

I glared at him in an angry face "yo-"

Suga cut her off  "can't you too stop fighting like a cat and dog" he said in an angry voice.

Oppa he is bothering me. She said in a sad voice "I know yn, Jungkook if you bother her again, then no one will be worse than me"

Sorry hyung. He said. " Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to yn. Suga said when looked at me "sorry princess" he said in a sweet voice.

Now don't fight again. Suga said. Then everyone shifted their attention to the movie.

When I took my ear close to his ear and said in a low voice. "Jungkook your hyung said you dog. I couldn't control it and started to smile in a low voice. When he looked at me with an angry face.

You heard hyung said " dog, but didn't you hear he said you cat.

So what, he is my oppa I didn't feel bad.

So if I also told you something then you should not feel bad because I am your husband. He said pinching her nose.

"Heyy don't do that" she said in an irritating tone. "You know what, You made a big mistake by complaining against me, now they saved you but inside the room no one can save you from me"

OPPA~ she shouted. When Suga said. "now what did jungkook do" when jungkook said in a low voice. "Think about this now hyung will save you, but in the room no one will save you from me" he said in a serious voice.

She did not think for a second and spoke. "Oppa he is telling me that here you'll save me, but in the room no one will save me from him"

JUNGKOOK~ Suga shouted. When he immediately spoke. "Sorry hyung I'll not say that again" he apologised.

Jungkook why are you bothering her, or do again nah, I'll not let be with her. He yelled. "Hyung" he said but Suga didn't say and away from him.

Then everyone gives their attention to the movie.

How cutely you complain about to hyung. But my poor princess you don't know they can't save you from me.

Why is she moving her neck. For how long has she been looking in the same direction? I am sure her neck is hurting.

"What happened" he asked when she looked at him. "Nothing" she said when he closed his eyes in frustration.

Why is so stubborn, can't she easily say that her neck is hurting.

"Then why are you moving your neck" he said Little angry voice. "It's hurting" she said in a sad way when he immediately pulled her in his embarrassed resting her head on his chest.

She struggled to be free but he didn't let her "what are doing leave me" when he spoke in an angry voice.

"Your neck is hurting nah, like this your neck will not hurt, so don't struggle to free and watch the movie, otherwise I'll take you in the bedroom.

Then she stopped struggling. His attention was in the movie when she spoke in a low voice.

"Jungkook am sorry, It was not my intention to create a fight in between you and oppa" when he looked at her and spoke in a sweet voice.

"And who told you that you created a fight between us" she spoke in an innocent voice"no one"

Princess, you didn't create any kind of fight in between us, so don't think like that, it's not your mistake.

"But jungkook, oppa is not talking with you isn't he is mad at you" she said in a confused voice. "Yes he is mad at me because I deserve that"

She smiled when she spoke in a mocking way. "Then should I complain about you to oppa again because you deserve too much scolding" when he looked at her face and spoke in his husky voice.

"Then should I tie you on the bed, and fuck you so hard, because you also deserve to much pain" her face expression changed in angry expression.

She said in a low voice. "Fucking bastard" when he spoke in little angry voice. " Mind your language princess, you're talking too much"

"Like you talk less"


Suga cut them off. "You again started to fight nah, jungkook how many times I have to tell you, don't fight with her, can't you get one thing in your mind"

"Oppa it's not his mistake, At first I started the fight" when his eyes became softened. "It's okk yn, if he fights with you again, or is bothering you, then just say to me I'll scold him"

When a smile cripted on her face. Yes oppa I'll. She said in a confident voice.

When jungkook looked at her in an angry face.

To be continue

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