little change

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I took some hope and spoke. "No I'll not eat this it does not taste good"

Who told you to taste this, Just put it in your mouth and then swallow the water. He said in an angry voice.

When I made a pout face then I spoke in a cute baby voice.

No one loves me, no one cares for me, I am sick but how you're being angry at me.

When Everyone started to laugh. Then jin spoke in a laughing voice.

Hey yn how cute you're acting for not taking pills.

Angel If you are suffering from pain then take this medicine, if there is no pain then it's ok I'll not force you.

No I am all fine, i don't need to take medicine.

Ok I'll take in the room just take a nap.

He said when he took me in his arms and walked into the bedroom.

Then lay me on the bed. But what he does next makes my breath hiccup.

He hovered over me. "Get off what you are doing"

He didn't do anything when he took water in his mouth then that pills. I know what he does.

Then I immediately keep my palm in my mouth. But I tried to remove my palm but i didn't let him remove it.

But he was stronger than he removed my palm and Heald my hand above my head.

Please noo. I said in a pleading voice.

When he smashed his lips on me and poured the water with pills in my mouth.

I felt a bitter taste in my mouth when I swollen it immediately the liquid I pushed him by his chest and then I gulped a whole glass of water.

I keep the class on the night stand and give my back rest with a pillow.

What is your problem, I am not a doll that whatever you wanna do you'll, I am Human i have feeling, I also feel pain too, when I said you I am fine then why you give that pills forcefully.

Because I see your suffering from pain.

And you're the reason for my suffering, first hurting me, then showing care for me.

"Sorry" he said in a low voice. " Your sorry can't change anything if you really feel sorry then let me go"

Take rest I am going for some work I'll be back before lunchtime. He said then walked out.

Oh god when I'll be free from this hell,.. how I always live my life without any restriction,.. I always do what I want now to see where my destiny takes me,..but I'll change my destiny.

I lay on the mattress and try to sleep.

Jimin pov

I am in the living room sitting on the couch and scrolling down my phone.

When I see jungkook. Then I asked him. " Hey jungkook where are you going"

I have some work in the office I'll be back before lunch just to take care of my princess.

I'll don't worry and go safely.

Then jungkook walked outside the mansion and drove to the office.

It's too boring to do nothing,.... Then should I go to yn.

When an Idea popped in my mind.


When everyone comes in hurry.

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