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What you too are talking about. Jungkook spoke.

Nothing jungkook, we are just talking about random stuff, i should go now. He said and went out of the room.

How sweetly you talk with taehyung you should talk to me like that else than anyone.

Sweet people deserve sweetness.

You talk too much i think the punishment is not enough. He said in an angry voice.

You'll regret your every single act. I said in a straight voice.

Of course Angel but in your dreams.

I'll make this dream true.

Let's just eat something you didn't eat anything, the maid told me that you were sleeping and didn't eat anything.

What's your problem huh, can't I sleep. I said in an irritating tone.

No yn i don't have any problem with your sleep, sleep how much you want, but please take your meal from time to time, I don't want you to get sick.

I rolled my eyes "move away I am hungry" she said and walked away from him and Jungkook followed her from behind.

Then we sit on the chair and all his hyung also comes and sits on the chair.

Yn what you wanna eat kimchi, ramen, bulgogi, gimbap. Jungkook asked.

No i don't wanna eat anything from this.

Then tell me what you want to eat I'll tell the maid to prepare that.


No it's very unhealthy you'll get ill say something else.

NOO I'll only eat pizza. She said in a cute baby tone.

No you're not. He said in an angry voice.

I wanna eat pizza otherwise I'll not eat anything. I said in an angry voice.

Okk only for today but after that You'll only eat healthy food.

He said when i rolled my eyes.

Hyung ordered pizza.

No Jungkook doesn't order, cook it by yourself. I said

when he said without hesitation."Anything for my princess"

He said and walked in the kitchen and started to make pizza.

Yn pov

Just wait and watch Jeon jungkook how i make you regret it because this is just the beginning.

I am on my own through when i feel like someone is staring at me.

Then I looked at my front where taehyung is sitting and he is the one who is staring at me.

What's his problem What does he think he is.
it's my life I'll do whatever I want he is no one to tell who I should give a chance and who not.

I can't accept him I hate him I can't forgive you for my Last breath also.

Jungkook pov.

I know how badly she wanna make me regret but sorry baby this can't happen I am the biggest mafia Jeon jungkook Whatever I did in your eyes was wrong but in my eyes it is always right for me.

You don't wanna love me you only want me then do hate me because I don't care mine love is enough but when you misbehave with me or disobey me that time you'll see the worse side.

I love so much and I'll always make you happy always give you what you want always make you feel special but you'll only do what I said.

Because you're only mine I'll do whatever I'll and can't let you go.

Now the pizza is all ready. Then I take the and walk in the dinning room.

My princess pizza is ready. He said and kept the plate in front of her.

I'll make my princess eat with my own hands. He said in a sweet voice.

Don't you act so sweet because your sweetness will be gone if I come to my evil side. In a serious tone.

When he took his face close to her ear and said in his husky voice.

Not here in our room.

He bit her ear lobe from hir lips when she kicked on his foot by her heel but he didn't even move a bit.

Move away. She said in a straight voice. Then he moved away.

When he takes a pizza slice and takes it in front of her." Eat"

She didn't take the slice from his hand and another from the plate and eat a bite.

How it is. Jungkook asked in an excited voice.

why are you asking me, eat it yourself and see. She said in a straight voice.

Jungkook got angry because of her behaviour but he didn't show because he hurt her and now he doesn't wanna hurt her again.

She is eating the pizza and jungkook is just staring at her.

I'll not tell him that the pizza is tasty.

Staring at her is a good thing but you should eat your food. Jin said in a mocking way.

Seeing her eating, I am full now. He said in a sweet voice. When i coughed.

When Jungkook gave her a glass of water and carried her back.

Baby are you fine. He spoke in a sweet voice.

Can't you stop your bullshit talk. I yelled.

I am sorry, now you start to eat.

No I am done. She said in a low voice.

Now you're making me angry, finish this all otherwise I'll do something worse. He said in an angry voice.

What'll you do huh. I said in a straight voice.

Didn't your wounds are fresh. He said and looked at her breast.

He looked at my breast when i turned around and looked at the plate.

Then I pushed the pizza plate when the plate fell on the ground and the place shattered into pieces.

She is literally testing my patience now i can't take this anymore.

I get up from my chair and Heald her wrist and make stand up then take her in bridal style.

What are you doing put me down. She yelled.

When he took her in the room and threw her on the bed when her body bounced. Then I sit on the bed.

When he walked to the door and looked at the door then he turned around and started to come close to her in the slow step.

You make my inside evil awake,.. after now you can't be able to walk by your feet,...because today I'll fuck you so hard,... until you fell unconscious.

To be continued.

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