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I off the phone and put that in my pant poked.

I give a death glare to him.

When he took his head down and started to do his work.

Jungkook why you keep my phone, give me my phone back.

Princess I'll give your phone back, but now we have important work, I know you are bored but after we finish our work then we'll have fun. He said in a sweet voice.

What kind of fun. I asked in a serious voice.

If you want, then we can do that kind of fun also. He spoke in a teasing voice.

I hate that kind of fun. I said in a straight voice.

He came close to my ear and spoke in his husky voice. "Then soon you'll get used to it" then again he started to do his work.

I have nothing to do then sit close to him and look at what work he is doing.

At the laptop screen there is some document.

Then I asked him.

Whose documents are these.

Jackson. He spoke not looking at me.

What kind of. I asked.

It's about his information.

Is he hurt you all.


then what will you do.

I don't care if he hurts me but if he hurts my loved ones then I can't let him live a single second also. He said looking at me.

Who are your loved ones. I asked him to look in his eyes.

Now we are looking into each other when he speaks.

"You" then she spoke again I broke the eye contact then spoke not looking at him "but why would he hurt me, i don't even know him"

It's the mafia World they'll not hurt us, they'll hurt a person who is important in our life, who we love more than our own life.

I looked at him " don't worry if he try to hurt me, I'll fight with him" i said in a confident voice.

He chuckled"I know my Brave lady,( he carried her side head ) but you don't need to do that, because I am here to protect you, I can't even let him touch your, single hair also.

She removed his hand and spoke in a serious voice.

"Promise" he blinked his eyes in agreement. "I promise you princess I'll protect you from this cruel world and cruel people.

If you do not fulfill your promise, then the things will get worse,.... because I hate the person who breaks my promise,.... and you're the one who I already hate the most, but still I am giving you a chance to change your mistake.

He takes a deep breath. "I promise to always protect my princess I'll never let anyone harm my princess" he said in a straight voice.

Now do your work. Then started to do this when after sometime she drifted into her deep slumber sitting on the couch resting her head on his shoulder.

He doesn't know when she sleeps on his shoulder because his whole attention was on his work he didn't move a bit The thing is moving is only his finger on the laptop keyboard.

                          Jungkook pov

How cutely she is asking questions, just like a cute little baby, I am thankful that she is talking to me politely, and still talking with me, because what I do to her after that I do not deserve this.

I can't even believe that she really gives me a chance to give a chance to our relationship.

I don't call you princess just for the sake of it, you really are my princess, you deserve princess treatment, I'll always protect you.

I'll always give you the things you wish for, I'll give you the whole world's happiness my princess.  I love you so much.

Now it's evening when my work is finished when I take a breath in relief. I closed the laptop and kept it on the table when I saw my princess sleeping on my shoulder.

"My relief is here" I hugged her by her wrist caressing her back I kissed on her side head.

She opened her eyes a little when she hugged him back and moved her face in the crook of his neck. When He feels butterflies in hir stomach.

She opened her Fully when she felt she was in his embrace. When she immediately removed her hands.

I sleep here. She spoke in a sleepy voice "hmm" he Hamed in a response. Then he again spoke. " What you wanna eat at dinner" she looked at him in an assumed face.

"What's the time" she asked." It's evening " I sleep too much. she said

It's ok after dinner, we are watching a movie, now tell me what you want to eat.

Cook whatever you want I'll eat. I said in a low voice.

Really. He asked making his eyebrows up.

When she makes a pout face and moves her face in agreement.

Don't make that face again.

I will.

Then 'you will', get hurt.

I slapped him in his arms and spoke in a serious tone. "Shup up" and respect my given change because it was your first and last chance.

Ok princess, now go and get fresh an up, then come down and stare for dinner.

She get up and started to walk she didn't see that jimin is coming in her way scrolling on his phone that's when her right leg toe touched her left ankle when they jimin fall on the floor and yn is on his chest.

Yn~ Jungkook ran to her and got her up. Then he Heald Jimin's hand when he gets up.

Are you ok, if you too get hurt anywhere. He asked them in a worried tone.

I am all fine. She said and walked upstairs in the bedroom.

Then take a shower and wear her night suit

Then she comes down in the dinning room and there is an empty chair beside jungkook then she sits beside him and others are also sitting on there respective place others

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Then she comes down in the dinning room and there is an empty chair beside jungkook then she sits beside him and others are also sitting on there respective place others.

Ooh yn how cute you're looking. He said in a very cute and sweet voice.

Tell me something which I don't know about. She said in a cute way.

First eat then talk. Jungkook said in a straight voice.

To be counting.

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