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Baby are you done. He asked from outside.

But i didn't reply to him. How he is asking for coming like he respects me. When after sometime he again spoke.

Princess if you're done then say,.....now I am coming in. Then he opened the harshly and came closer to me.

Why you didn't say that you're done. He said in a little angry voice.

Why, you need my permission to come in,. last night you didn't ask me if I came in,...and just sometime ago you were asking for making me wear my clothes.

Because that was your punishment,.. and about wearing your clothes you're not comfortable for that, that's why I didn't force you.

I don't want to hear your voice, I am hungry, just take me down for breakfast. I said in a frustrating tone.

Then he walked to her taking her in his arms he walked down in the dining room then he made her sit on a chair and he sat beside her. All members are also there.

Aunty serves vegetable soup. He ordered the maid. When the maid served the soup.

When jin spoke. Jungkook y/n is sick.

Yes hyung she is weak. Jungkook replyed.

When I looked at him in an angry face and spoke in anger. " Shup up you liar I am not sick and I'll not eat this"

I am not lying, you have eaten this. He said in a straight tone.

No I wanna eat something else I hate vegetable soup It does not taste good.

Jungkook if she doesn't want to eat soup then don't force her. Jimin said.

When i looked at him in assuming face. Then I spoke in a mocking way.

Ohh shortie it was the first time I am impressed by you.

When He chuckled " it's my pleasure to make you, now we should be friends from the enemy" he said in a sweet voice.

Of course shortie we'll be friends because I like you as a person more than ( i looked at jungkook ) this heartless mafia.

When he chuckled " so you're saying that you like me" when I immediately spoke in an angry voice. " NOT IN MY DREAM'S ALSO "

But you said that just now.

I don't even have a little bit of feelings for you, in my heart, And never I'll have.

Are you done, now say what you wanna eat.

"I wanna eat kimbap"

Ok, aunty please cook kimbap. He ordered a maid.

Why are you ordering maid's, cook it by yourself jungkook.

Ok I'll cook kimbap with my own hands for my princess. In a sweet voice.

I rolled my eyes. Then he walked into the kitchen.

Yn, it's hard to make jungkook like this, because he is mafia he only does what he wants, but you are making him dance on your fingers huh, hobi said

Because nothing in this whole world made,. which is hard for me. I said with a smirk.

Isn't that last night was hard for you. Jungkook spoke from the kitchen.

Don't interfere in our business do your work fast i am hungry. She yelled.

Angel it's all done, just give me two minutes I am coming. He said.

Yn you should eat pain killer wait I'll give you. Taehyung said.

I just want to yell at this taehyung how they're talking they don't even hesitate to say that I thought Jungkook was the most mischievous person in this whole house, but I was wrong, there are others like him too.

I just opened my mouth to say when I came and said.

Hyung, let her eat something first, then give her a pain killer.

Yeh, right it's not good to eat a tablet as an empty stomach.

Then Jungkook kept the plate in front of me and settled on the chair beside me.

Then Jungkook kept the plate in front of me and settled on the chair beside me

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Come on Finish this all. Jungkook said.

When I looked at him I assumed. "What do you mean by finishing this all, i can't eat this much.

Then I take peas and keep that in the namjoon plate then another one and I served and now two peas are left.

Then I keep one peas in jungkook's plate.

Yn you said you wanna eat kimbap then why are you giving this to us. Suga stated.

Hyung didn't want to eat this, she told me to cook because,. she only wants to irritate me, but princess, you don't know that, it makes me happy to give you what you want.

Are you done with your lecture then should I start eating. She said in a little angry voice.

Of course the princess eats this sandwich also. And tell me what you wanna eat for lunch I'll cook for you.

Cook what you want I'll eat that.

Then should I prepare bibimbap and kimchi.

I was hammed in response and started to eat.

How it is. Jungkook asked.

It's not that bad it's just okay.

What are you saying, it's too tasty. Taehyung spoke in a mocking voice.

Our tastes are different Taehyung. I said in a serious tone.

Then you should change your taste. In a serious tone.

Instead of changing my taste, I'd better change your face. I said in an angry voice.

When jungkook spoke. " Tae don't tease my princess" in a scolding voice.

Hey yn can we make a plan for watching a movie after dinner. Jimin said.

When a smile cripted on my face then I said.

Really we are going out to watch a movie. I said in an excited voice.

No we are not going out, we'll watch a movie in our home. Jungkook spoke.

When my smile is gone. Then I said.

But it will not be fun, for watching movies on the TV.

No princess we are not watching movies on tv. Jungkook said

Then. I asked. "We have theatre" then I hammered in response and again started to eat.

After sometime everyone finished their breakfast.

Then jungkook spoke. Aunty gives me pain killers and a glass of water. After sometime that maid comes in her hand with a tray.

Jungkook took the tray from her hand he Heald in one hand and in another one is a tablet.

Then he had his hand in front of me.

Come take this. He spoke.

I took some hope and spoke. "No I'll not eat this it does not taste good"

To be counting.

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