Chapter 1

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Ciel sighed as he took the books from his locker. The painful week of school was finally over, and he could now go home and play online video games. He had been walking down the halls towards the entrance, when he spotted a boy in small tight shorts.

Ciel got the feeling he knew the boy, but he was too far way to tell. Once he got closer, Ciel noticed he did in fact know him, and it was his best friend, Alois Trancy.

"Ciel!" Alois screamed as he was started to run toward him. "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Ciel's sapphire blue eyes widened with nervousness at his statement, "Why me?"

"Because you and I are going to a football game tonight!" Alois said excitedly

"What? Why..?" Ciel said unamused. Ciel was not a fan of places with a lot of people.

"Well, my boyfriend, Claude, plays on the team, and he wants me to go. You have to come with me!"

"Claude..." Ciel said with a shudder. "He creeps me out, and I have no interest in going."

"Oh." Alois pouted.

Ciel started to feel a pang of guilt at upsetting Alois. So with a long sigh, he agreed to go.

"Yay!" Alois said cheerfully.

"But right after the game, I'm walking home." Ciel growled out.

"Fine, but let's go now. I wanna get seats close to the field!" Alois grabbed Ciel's hand and started running towards the field. Ciel groaned the whole time.

Once they arrived at the field, they managed to get a seat very close to the field. So close, even the football players could see them.

It was not long before the players entered the field. A figure ran over to the pair before the game began. He was tall and his hair was long enough it peeked out from under the helmet. He pulled off the helmet. Claude stood before them grinning at Alois.

Alois was quick to blush and run down the stairs to meet him, "Hey, Claude."

"How's my highness?" Claude said smugly as he leaned over the rail to kiss Alois. He then pulled away and nodded at Ciel.

Ciel gagged. He found Claude eerie and distasteful.

"I have to go back," Claude told Alois. He kissed Alois' pouted lips, "No pouting. Cheer me on?"

Alois beamed, "Mhm!"

Ciel glared after Claude. Alois oblivious as he sat next to his friend happily. Ciel eyed his friend and the stupid happiness he had, his stare only broken by the start of the game.

Ciel turned to the game just as number 15 was about to throw the ball. He could not see the face of the player, for it was hidden in shadows. Ciel could see his eyes though and it sent a shiver down his back.

Without Ciel realizing, the player had thrown the ball. The player turned his gaze up to look at him before running on. As he ran past, Ciel was able to see the name on his jersey.


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