Chapter 2

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Ciel tried to stomp away, but his shoes simply dug deeper into the dirt deeper. Ciel growled, "Let me go!"

Alois pulled Ciel back "But Ciel―"

"No! I said I was walking home the minute this ended!"

"Please," Alois whined. "Just let me say bye to Claude at least."

"Definitely not staying to see him," Ciel said dryly.

"It truly hurts me to hear you say such rude things of me," a deep voice said from behind the two.

Ciel stopped struggling, and they both turned to find Claude followed by a figure who stayed leaning against a wall in the shadows. Alois released Ciel's jacket instantly and jumped into Claude's arms. Alois was happy and giggling again, "You did good, babe! You were amazing as always! You won!"

"The team won, and I only did good because I had you cheering me on," Claude replied with an overly sweet tone that made Ciel sick.

The figure in the shadows coughed, calling for attention.

"Shut up and just come over here. You can introduce yourself, Michealis." Claude teased.

Ciel's eyes widened and gulped. The figure stepped out of the shadows and smiled at Ciel, "Well since this dick won't introduce me, I am Sebastian Michealis. I am Claude's best friend."

"I-I... I'm Ciel Ph-Phantomhive..." Ciel stuttered out.

Alois giggled and hid in Claude's neck. He must of muttered something to him to which Claude responded not too quietly, "He really is acting funny."

"Shut up," Ciel blushed. "Now that you saw him, I'm leaving, Alois."

"But we should hang at Claude's place for a bit. Come one, Ciel. It's still early." Alois whined but Ciel wouldn't bend so easily this time.

He turned and walked away. He waved bye with a flick of his hand over his shoulder, "I am going home. I have been out enough for one day."

Alois made no more comments, but, just as Ciel was exiting the campus, footsteps ran to catch up to him.

"I'm going home, Alois. There's no changing my mind."

"I was just going to walk you home."

Ciel turned. That wasn't Alois' voice. At his side, Ciel found Claude's friend changed out of his football uniform.

Sebastian. Ciel recalled.

Ciel looked at the floor, "I don't need to be walked."

"I am not saying you do. I want to." Sebastian looked down at Ciel with a smile.

Something felt weird in Ciel's chest. Ciel looked straight ahead, "I don't."

Sebastian chuckled under his breath, "I see you're more of a silent, anti social, type."

Ciel looked up at him and glared. "I see you're popular, big headed, jock who's a smooth talking bad boy that gets all the girls." he snapped back annoyed. He walked quickly to trying to make it clear that he wanted to be alone.

Sebastian chased after him, "Well, mostly the girls."

Ciel stopped. His heart was beating fast but why? "W-what do you mean 'mostly the girls'?"

Sebastian grinned, "Well, there's been a couple of guys, too."

Ciel's chest felt weird again, but he pushed that aside because his pride told him he was being teased. Ciel turned away, "Aren't you proud yourself?"

"No. No because the one that caught my eye doesn't seem like they're even on the same loop."

Ciel didn't know what he meant with that, but he felt as if it was directed at him and it strangely got to him. "Sucks for you doesn't it? For once, flashing a smile won't get you what you want."

Sebastian stopped and watched Ciel leave. "No, a simple smile won't work this time..." he whispered under his breath.

Ciel was angry without a doubt. Sebastian sighed, and Ciel kept walking desperate to get home. Ciel didn't look back once, but he wanted to. Once home, he stomped up to his room, slammed the door shut, and yelled.

Why didn't he turn to look back? He wanted to look back at him, but why? Ciel couldn't understand that strange feeling he felt around Sebastian. He didn't understand anything about how he felt that day.

A Neet for a Tutor (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now