Chapter 16

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Andrea: Well. Well. Well. Here's another one.

Claude: I'm not even looking forward to this?

Andrea: Why?

Claude: Aren't I always the bad guy? You know how many people hate me?

Andrea: Aww, poor you. Idgaf. Watch with big eyes as the train wreck unfolds.

Karay: *laughs evilly*

Ciel: 0-0

Sebastian: Aren't you a Sebaciel fan?

Andrea: *glaring at Sebastian*

Sebastian: ?

Karay: The biggest most hardcore Sebaciel shipper! I live for it! But I also enjoy the pain and anger of my readers.

Andrea: Wise beautiful words now hush. Let the readers enjoy, or not. They probably won't and we'll have a riot. Oh, well!


Ciel had his hand on the doorknob. He was buzzing. He had been dying to see Sebastian all week. Unable to wait any longer, he turned the knob.

He jumped back as a group of people passed behind him and startled him. Ciel chuckled to himself before taking a deep breath and taking hold of the doorknob once more. Ciel turned the knob and pushed the door open.

He stared through the opening in the door in shock. He was frozen to the spot, unable to run away. Unable to look away. Sebastian was no better. He stared back at Ciel with almost fear.

No one moved. The world seemed to be frozen. The, there was heavy running steps up the stairs. An arm wrapped around Ciel's shoulders. Claude looked at Ciel, "Hey, Ciel. Here you are. Don't wander off like that. Come on Alois was looking for you too."

Claude looked at Ciel frozen, staring ahead. Claude turned and saw what he was seeing. Sebastian was kneeling down on the bed between a girl named Ran Mao's legs. Ran Mao looked between Sebastian and the other two at the door. She pulled away from Sebastian, wrapped a sheet around her loosely, and sat on the edge of the bed without a care.

Claude shook his head, and Ciel grimaced back. Sebastian still didn't move. Ciel bunched his hands into fists and yelled at Sebastian, "Stay the fuck away from me!"

Ciel ducked out from under Claude's arm and ran away. Ciel's yell had snapped Sebastian out of his trans. He reached for Ciel, "Ciel, wait!"

But Ciel ran down the stair, and the door slammed shut moments later. People began to whisper and point upstairs. Claude looked at Sebastian and shook his head, "I told you not to fuck up."

Sebastian jumped off the bed and smashed Claude against the door framed. He grabbed tight to Claude's shirt and glared at Claude, "What the actual fuck! You said he didn't come! Why was he here and why did he end up wandering to this room out of every god damn room?!"

Claude turned his face, "First, put on some pants. You already got yourself in a mess; I don't want you to anger my short human. Second, I said 'he didn't want to.' I didn't lie."

Claude shook Sebastian off, "But seriously put on some clothes. Don't be as shameful as that thing."

They both turned to look at Ran Mao that still sat on the edge of the bed with a sheet around her. Claude turned and left. Sebastian yelled and punched at the wall. Ran Mao stood and walked to Sebastian. She kissed at his neck and pulled him back into the room. Sebastian slammed the door shut in anger and hesitantly let himself be pulled back onto the bed.

Meanwhile, Claude ran down the stairs and out the house. He stood on the street and looked both ways before spotting Ciel in the distance. He jogged after him and easily caught up. He grabbed Ciel by the shoulder and pulled him to a stop. Claude took Ciel and turned Ciel to look at him.

Ciel glared up at him with angry teary eyes, "Let me go!"

Claude pulled him into his arms, "No."

Ciel struggled against him, "You knew! You knew!"

Claude stroked Ciel's hair, "Would you have believed me if you hadn't seen it?"

Ciel stopped struggling and stopped arguing. He cried in Claude's arms, and Claude held him. He looked up at Claude after a while with tears streaming down his cheeks, "I trusted him... He lied... Why..? I didn't even want to like him... Why did he lie..? I can't trust anyone."

Claude wiped at Ciel's tears and smiled down at him, "You just trusted the wrong people. Sebastian isn't the golden boy you thought he was. He isn't the perfect guy and student people make him out to be. It's okay now, Ciel. You will be okay."

Ciel hiccupped and hid his face in Claude's shirt, "I want to go home."

Claude pulled Ciel under his arm and led him down the street, "I'll take you home. My car isn't that far."

Ciel hid his face in Claude's chest and let himself be led away. When Claude drove Ciel up to the orphanage, Ciel looked up at the building. He remembered that down the hall from his room was Sebastian's. Ciel remembered that his own room smelt of Sebastian, and he remembered the memories of them both in his bed.

Ciel curled up in the seat. Claude looked back at Ciel, "Are you-"

"I can't go back there."

Claude didn't ask. He nodded and drove off. After a while, he could hear Ciel snoring between small hiccups. Claude pulled into a driveway and picked Ciel up from the backseat. Claude knew that waking him up would only mean more tears.

Ciel snuggled into Claude as he carried him inside an apartment. Claude laid Ciel in a big plush bed and covered him. Ciel curled up in the bed, hugging the blanket tight to himself.

Ciel was tiny in the bed. Claude smiled at the sight. He looked like some sleeping puppy. Ciel sniffled in his sleep, and Claude kissed his forehead. Ciel stopped sniffling and cuddled into the blanket. Claude shook his head with a grin, "Michaelis had a good thing in his hands. He is easily owned."-Claude brushed a hand over Ciel's cheek-"A simple affection and just a little dedication, and he's a loyal little love-struck pup eating out of your hand. Idiot Michaelis, you didn't know he has more than you ever had or will have."

He turned to leave, but Ciel grabbed onto Claude's shirt, "Don't leave, too"

Claude looked down at Ciel, who hid his face in the blanket, with shock. He laid down next to Ciel, and Ciel curled up once more but in Claude's chest. Claude wrapped an arm around Ciel.

Soon, Ciel fell back asleep. He whimpered and sniffled, crying for someone who was letting out his anger on a girl. Crying in the arms of a person he supposedly hated, because he had been betrayed by the person who supposedly loved him.


A Neet for a Tutor (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now