Chapter 22

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Andrea: Aaaah I'm in love with my cinnamon roll child. She knows who she is and this is for her. Let's start the show?
Ciel woke up with a start. He sat up in bed and frowned, "Did I really let him go home alone?!"

There was a small noise, and Ciel turned to find Sebastian standing at the door. He stares at Ciel wide eyed and scared, "Ummm... Hello, babe?"

Ciel blinked at Sebastian, "This is not the time, you idiot!"

Sebastian lifted his hands in surrender, "PMS?"

Ciel's eye twitched, "Have you always been an idiot?"

Sebastian smiled, "I'm actually top of all my classes."

Ciel sighed and jumped out of his bed. He rushed to door, but Sebastian caught him by the stomach. Ciel wriggled in his arms and beat at him, "Let me go! Put me down right now! Why are you so huge! Ugh! Release me!"

Sebastian covered Ciel's mouth with one hand, "Calm down. You are going to suffocate him and stress yourself. You can't hold his hands day in and day out. At some point, you have to let him go. Have faith in him. If he doesn't have it in himself, then at least you, as his best friend, should have it."

Ciel went still, "I'm worried."

"You have some major brother complex thing going on, and you two aren't even related. Relax. You have to let him save himself, or he'll just keep drowning the minute you turn your back."

Ciel sighed, "Fine."

Sebastian let go of Ciel and chuckled, "No pouting."

Ciel pouted more purposely. Sebastian lifted one eyebrow before holding Ciel's face in his hands. Sebastian leaned in and bit Ciel's pouted lip and tugged at it playfully. Ciel blushed brightly and let himself be lead into a kiss.

Sebastian stayed with Ciel for what remained of Saturday and the whole of Sunday. He made sure to ease Ciel and keep him from being uneasy, but worry for Alois stayed in the back of his head. So when Monday had come, he looked for Alois through the halls. But there was no bouncing spunk of blonde hair, and Ciel looked tirelessly in every spot he could think.

Then Ciel felt his stomach sink. Principle Hannah made her way to Ciel with a look of worry that was worse than Ciel's. Ciel's jaw clenched, because, if anyone had a complex with Alois, it was Hannah

"Ms. Hannah, any chance that look of worry is for my grades and my risk of being kicked out?" Ciel smiled nervously.

Hannah shook her head, "Actually, Alois never came home Saturday. He left a note saying that it was about time he visited his brother, and he said something about misplacing his phone. I was hoping he was referring to you, when he said brother, or at least that you knew some way to contact him. I'm worried about him."

There it was. Hannah's unnatural mother instinct for Alois. It sent a chill down Ciel's spine. "No. I have no idea where Alois may be, but if I find him I'll make sure he goes home safe."

Hannah bit her lip but left. Meanwhile, Ciel racked his brain for anything. What could Alois possibly be up to? He went home and called Alois. Hopefully, he was just hiding from Hannah again.

Ciel could hear a phone ringing faint and far off. Ciel followed the sound. He ended up standing in the game room. Ciel frowned, "Alois, are you hiding in here?"

Ciel didn't get his response, but he did manage to find Alois' phone between the couch cushions. Ciel got the phone and went back to his room. He sat on his bed with Alois' phone in his hand and stared at his closet. He wished so much that Alois would throw the door open and come bouncing out, but his closet door was already open and the only signs of Alois was the mess he had made.

Then, something caught his eye. A box's corner stuck out from the clothes on the floor. He recognized that box immediately. He remembered it too well. He also remembered the crash that Alois made last time he was in there.

Ciel stood and walked with shaky feet to the closet. He picked up the box and his stomach sunk once more. The box was empty. That box that used to sit on the top shelf of his closet was now empty.

Then, Ciel tied it together. Alois had gone to visit Luca. His brother. His dead little brother. Ciel checked Alois phone. He wondered what could've caused him that sudden change. Alois had been laughing and smiling. He had been doing fine.

Ciel's head was spinning. Then, it came to a sick stop. Two messages from that Saturday and they were both from Claude. Ciel's hands clenched and he began to shake as he read each one:

When are you going to come back? You've taken a while.

Come on, Alois. We all know you'll come back to me.


How is it that you can forgive Ciel? He's just as guilty as me.

Come on, Alois. I need you right now. I'm in some serious need.

Come over, I'll make it up to you. You know you want it.

You'll come back. Stop dragging this out.

Ciel'sblood was boiling, but Alois was in need. Ciel got his phone and dialed. It rung twice before they picked up. "Hey, I expected the other to come crawling back, but you're better. So what's up Phantomhive? Sebastian not enough?"

Ciel clenched his teeth, "Listen, you sick bastard. I know you're at the Creek like every Monday. Now listen to me, and listen to me good. Run to the well at the center of Ash. If my best friend dies, I'm killing you and dumping you down that damn well."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Claude voice came through upset.

Ciel voice snapped back, "Start running. this isn't time for questions."

Ciel could hear the arrogance in Claude's voice, "I'm not moving from this spot, until you tell me.":

Ciel spoke through gritted teeth, "Alois has a gun. He stupidly loves you, and he can't accept the fact you dumb ass don't want him. He is so in love with you he rather die than be mocked and accept your bitch ass doesn't feel the same! Do one good thing for him for once, and save him!"

There was a crash on the other end and then nothing. Ciel stared at the phone in his hand and threw it at the wall in frustration. He cursed and it rung out through the whole west wing, "Live, you god damn idiot."

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