Chapter 21

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Andrea: *sniffling*

Karay: Andrea? Are you crying about Alois?

Andrea: That blonde little cinnamon roll is safe in my arms, look.

Karay: ... Okay, then why are you crying.

Andrea: We have a certain fan. She is the most adorable little cinnamon roll ever. I want her. Karay let's adopt her.

Ciel: ... We have one weird author. I'm worried for us.

Sebastian: *pulls Ciel close* Same

Claude: It's too late for me to worry

Andrea: Hush! She is adorable. Anyway, sorry for the long wait. Here is the next chapter and tomorrow you'll have a new one probably as well.


Alois woke up groggy and confused. The sun hit his face with mocking brightness that made him feel sick. He pull the blanket over his head and flinched. He could feel pinches and stings all over his body. He laid shaking for a moment from the pain, before laying perfectly still. He had his eyes closed and didn't want to open them any time soon.

Then, he sat up suddenly. Why was his room so bright? Alois remembered shutting the thick curtains of his room. There should be no light in his room. He looked around the room and was immediately confused. He was laying in Ciel's bed, and Ciel was watching him with a sad smile from a chair next to the bed.

Alois' eyes widened and he pulled the blankets up on himself. Ciel head dropped, and he bit his lip for a second, "You don't have to hide it."

Alois giggled, "What are you talking about? I have just been really cold lately... Hey, Ciel? I get that you've always had a thing for me, but kidnapping? What did you do to me last night, friend? If you're gonna play dirty, at least do it while I am conscious and able to put up a fight... Not that I would..."

One of Ciel's eyes shut slightly with disturbed annoyance. He took a deep breath and shook his head, "Alois this is serious."

"I know it is, but don't worry. I won't press charges." Alois' hands nervously traveled under the blankets to feel the torn ridges on his thighs. His finger caught on one, and Alois involuntarily flinched.

Then, Ciel pounced on him and pinned him onto the bed. He sat on Alois' stomach and pinned Alois' hands carefully above his head. The blanket unraveled from Alois and every gash and cut was visible. They gleamed bright red in the light. Ciel flinched slightly at the sight, and Alois' shut his eyes tightly and turned away.

"... You're an idiot..."Ciel's voice was low and hoarse.

Tears rolled down Alois' cheeks, "Let me go..."

"No! I let you go one week and look at you! Why didn't you come to me?!" Ciel's eyes began to fill with tears with every word that he said.

"Because! Because you may be my best friend, and I may love and care for you so much, but that doesn't stop the images from coming to my mind. Images of you with him, and him with you... The sight of you brings the memory of him. The sight of my best friend brings the stupid feeling of Claude. The sight of you, even if I love you to death because you have been my best friend since I could remember, brings the memory of his touch and it burns my skin. I can't forget Claude. My skin can't forget him, even with the pain it is feeling..." Alois' voice trailed off broken and torn.

Ciel looked down at his friend with tears trailing down his face, "I am so so―"

"I don't hate you," Alois' cut in with a raspy barely-there voice. "I don't blame you. I know it was Claude. He knew and had it planned all along. He was waiting to take advantage of you. He knew and had it planned, and I was too stupid to do anything about it... No, I didn't want to accept the fact he didn't want me."

Ciel collapsed onto Alois' chest and hugged him. He hugged Alois' thin torso tightly and listened to Alois' chest struggle to pull in air with every hiccup. Ciel muttered over and over again in a lost chant, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."

When they finally pulled apart, the pair's eyes were red. Ciel wiped at the tears on Alois' flushed cheeks, "Let's get you showered and changed. I'll take care of you today."

So while Alois showered, Ciel sat patiently outside of the shower to make sure his friend would be safe. Once out, Ciel treated the worst of the cuts and bandaged Alois' arms and legs. He then handed Alois' clean new clothes.

Alois bit his lip at the sight of shorts and a muscle shirt. Ciel flicked Alois' forehead, "You are with your friend, your best friend. We are basically brothers. We know everything about each other. We grew up together. You didn't cover up before, there's no reason to cover and hide now. Come on little tiger."

A small giggle left Alois' lips, "Alright, alright. I get it you haven't finished checking me out, but out. At least leave something to the imagination."

Ciel rolled his eyes. After he got changed, they played and watched movies all day. They laughed and fell asleep at some point in each other's arms like brothers, like they used to long ago. And for a while, just for a while, Alois felt warm.


Alois woke up to a buzz. He rubbed at his eyes and found Ciel asleep clumsily next to him. Ciel's mouth hung open and he was a mess of tangled blankets. Alois giggled at the sight. Then, he heard another buzz.

Alois stood and walked over to find his phone on the couch. Alois frowned and then remembered that they had gone down to the game room on the first floor of Ciel's west wing.

He shook his head and focused back on his buzzing phone. The screen blinked with two messages. He gulped but read them hesitantly. He bit his lip and his fingers found the cuts in his arm and dug in. He sat down quietly on the couch. When Ciel finally woke up, Alois gave him a big smile, "Imma go home Ciel. It's late, and I have to do something tomorrow."

Ciel rubbed at his eyes, "No, yeah. Are you okay? Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

Alois shook his head, "No, I'll be okay. I just have something waiting for me."

Ciel yawned, "Alright, Alois. Just remember to call if anything comes up, all right?"

Alois nodded again and left Ciel behind. He left down the moonlit streets, and he left in a pair of Ciel's jeans and hoodie.

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