Chapter 20

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Andrea: I am soooooo sorry guys. I did write the chapter Monday and rewrote it, and rewrote it, and rewrote it, and rewrote it. I scrapped this chapter like ten times. 

Sebastian: Your only job, and you can't even do that.

Andrea: FUCK YOU! You are testing me Michaelis!

Karay: Sebastian chill it.

Ciel: Yeah, who knows what she'll do next.

Claude: I'm already screwed.

Andrea: Shut up! Anyway, thank you guys for staying and being loyal. Thank you for all the comments. They keep me going and inspire me to not quit.  This chapter is short, but I will be posting up a bonus later as an apology to all of you. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment!


Ciel fidgeted. He stared at the empty seat next to him and squirmed. Alois had been gone all week. The last day he had gone was Monday, and Monday was the day Claude forced the kiss onto Ciel, and Monday was the day Sebastian had beat Claude up, and Monday had been the day the rumors had spread.

Ciel looked at the empty seat and sighed. He then looked at his phone, and his fingers danced in the air above the keyboard. He eventually just shut it off and through it into his bag without sending anything. The guilt ate away at him from the inside, and all the accusing eyes teared at every inch of him.

An arm wrapped around him suddenly as he walked down the hall during passing periods. Ciel jumped and looked up at who it was. Sebastian looked down at him worried, "What's up?"

Ciel bit his lip, "Alois hasn't shown up..."

Sebastian wanted to tell Ciel that who on earth would show up and prance around in the humiliation. Everyone knew Alois wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but Alois wasn't stupid enough to face the humiliation that he would face. He wanted to tell Ciel all of this, but he knew Ciel wasn't doing too well. So instead of telling Ciel what he was thinking, Sebastian smiled down at him and lied, "He probably got a cold from wearing booty shorts."

Ciel caught the lie and sighed. So, even Sebastian had figured that Alois probably wasn't doing too well. Ciel went along with the lie though, for his own comfort, "Yeah, he probably did."

Ciel had known Alois for so long, and, since he knew Alois, Ciel knew Alois to only ever wear short shorts. The idea of Alois catching a cold from wearing shorts seemed stupid. Alois had basically become immune to the weather.

Sebastian nudged Ciel, "You're wearing an eye patch."

Ciel reached up to touch it absentmindedly, "Oh yeah..."

"That is a horrible disguise. Everyone still recognizes you. Look at all the glares. Haha..." Sebastian trailed off. "Sorry... But really why the eye patch?"

"I put it on whenever I get the nightmares."

Sebastian gave Ciel a tight hug, but Ciel was already lost in the nightmare, in the memory.


His feet felt warm, and they felt like they stood on feathers. Ciel looked down at his small feet and found them stained black and grey. He wriggled his toes in the ash.

He walked through the ashes and over the wood beams and stones. Ciel stumbled over all the charred things that littered the ground. Only one thing stood amongst the beams that pointed and cut at the night sky, a chair. Ciel walked over to it and found nothing but ash on it. Where had his father gone? Then he saw something glint in the moonlight.

He bent down and brushed the ash aside and dug out the glittering metal. It was a gun. The gun his father had held. Where had his father gone?

Ciel held the warm metal to his chest. Then, a heavy hand fell onto his shoulder. Ciel looked up startled to find Tanaka. The old man smiled down at him, "It is not safe to be here. Let's go."

Ciel hid the gun in his clothes and nodded. He let himself be guided away. The only thing left of his family was the gun that killed them, and the ring that watched.


Ciel still had the gun. He kept it in a shoe box all the way in the back corner of the top shelf in his closet. The only one that knew of it was of course his best friend, Alois.

Ciel felt a pang in his chest. He needed to figure out what was going on with Alois.

Sebastian nudged Ciel out of his daze, "Cheer up a bit, no?"

Ciel smiled and nodded, "Yeah..."

But Ciel didn't better his mood. He stayed in his constant sad daze for the rest of the day. When he got home, he fell onto his bed with a long tired sigh and curled up to fall asleep, because he figured that was the only thing that would make him feel better. But, just as he was dozing off, a crash came from his closet.

Ciel jolted up and watched the closet. He gulped and nervously stood up. Then, his closet door was flung open, and Ciel yelled in alarm.

Alois stepped out and blinked at his friend, "Why are you screaming? I don't see Sebastian."

Ciel glared, then frowned, and then he bowed his head, "I'm so―"

"Your closet is huge! I thought it'd be smaller counting you use on of the bedrooms in this wing as your extended closet," Alois gushed.

"Um... Now that you mention it, my closet isn't Narnia. What are you doing coming out of it?" Alois pulled out his backpack from Ciel's closet, and Ciel looked at Alois shocked. Ciel sputtered, "Y-you haven't been living in my closet all week, r-right?"

Alois giggled, "Nah, I came to borrow some jeans."

Ciel eyed Alois, and his jaw fell, "Alois! You're wearing jeans!"

Alois nodded, "Yeah these are yours, too. I hope you don't mind."

Ciel shook his head, "I don't, but why―"

Alois cut him off, "I gotta run. Bye, Ciel!"

Alois dashed out of Ciel's room. Ciel watched in confusion and went over what had just happened. Alois seemed fine, but he couldn't be. Alois in jeans wasn't normal. Ciel shook his head. He wasn't going to poke at his friend. He had done enough damage as it was. If Alois had chosen to pretend nothing happened, Ciel wasn't going to drop Alois from his cloud.

Ciel sighed and curled back up. He hoped Alois was okay. Ciel fell asleep with an uneasy feeling, thinking of his friend.

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