Chapter 24

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Andrea: The end is near
Ciel: *sniffling* why would you kill my best friend
Andrea: Shut up. The story is coming to an end, you idiot.
Ciel: *crying* But Alois is–
Andrea: Shhh Ciel, and thank you to all those who patiently waited, and were eager for the update without cussing me out. Seriously, I would love to post every day, but I get busy. I will not pause my life over one upset fan that cusses at me, joke or not. To all those who understand and waited patiently and encouraged me instead of being upset, this is for you.

"I-it... I-it hurts..."

Ciel's eyes widened, and everyone stayed silent, as if questioning if the voice had existed at all.

Ciel broke free from Sebastian's arms and padded over to Claude's side. He looked down at Alois' limp form, "Alois..?"

Alois scrunched his eyes weakly, "Why... does it hurt?"

Ciel punched Claude's arm, "You couldn't tell, if a hole was in his head or not!"

Claude hissed, "You couldn't either!"

Alois opened his eyes. They were full of tears, and they looked up helplessly at Claude. Alois threw his arms around him and cried, "It hurts, Claude... Help. Please... help... Why are we here?"

Claude froze for a moment. They all froze, none capable of understanding. Then, he stroked Alois hair and lulled him, "Shhh... It's okay... It's going to be okay..."

Alois sniffled, "Why are we here? Weren't we just at the football game? Wasn't Sebastian just cheering out  'Sebaciel'?"

Claude pulled away from Alois, "Alois, don't you remember? That was a long time ago. You just tried–"

"Tried cleaning the remains of the old house you used to live in with Luca!" Ciel broke in. "It's the anniversary of the day he died, so you asked Claude to bring you. But he didn't want to, since you were slightly drunk. Sebastian and I brought you though, but Claude came worried the moment he found out. When you saw Claude, you stormed off upstairs, but the floor broke through. You fell all the way though to the basement, but luckily a rose bush broke your fall."

"I guess some of the roses Luca had hopelessly planted for me actually grew..." Alois muttered. 

"You sure you don't remember anything?" Ciel prodded.

Alois frowned, "Nope, last thing I remember is the cheering..."

"Claude, take Alois home, and take good care of him." Ciel glared at Claude daring him to say anything.

"I'll get the car," Sebastian and Claude said in unison. "Wait here," they repeated together and glared at one another.

Claude stood and helped Alois onto his feet before both Sebastian and Claude ran off to get the cars. Once the pair were at a distance, Alois turned to Ciel. "You covered for Claude," Alois accused.

Ciel looked wide eyed at Alois, "You knew? Your memory"

"All here," Alois tapped his head.

"Alois, I'm sorry I lied." Ciel began but stopped as Alois shook his head.

"Mm-mm. It's okay. I'm glad you covered for him. I dont want to hate Claude." Alois explained.

"So you're just going to forgive him?!" Ciel yelled shocked.

Alois kept his voice low though as he looked off in the direction Claude had run, "I forgave you, no? You forgave Sebastian. What Claude did was worse though, but, if it never happened, there would be no need to forgive him. I don't doubt Claude loves me, but I just hate it had to come to this for him to actually genuinely show and accept it."

"You had this planned," Ciel accused.

Alois shook his head, "No. I wanted to die. I couldn't live with the thought Claude never loved me. It was what he said that made me come up with this. I'm not saying it's right lying to him, but you both lied to me. We all lied to keep Claude and I together, so why not just act as if nothing happened?"

CIel chuckled and shook his head, "So have you been lying all along that you are stupid?"

Alois giggled, "No, I genuinely am. Had I been smart, I don't think any of this would've happened. Besides, I don't think anyone that had all their screws in the right place would go through this huge struggle just to keep someone like Claude."

Ciel turned to look at Alois with a fond smile, "No, you're right. You were, are, and will always be my idiot strawberry pop tart best friend."

Ciel wiped some of the blood off Alois' face with his thumb. Alois flinched, "The bullet managed to graze my cheek and the bridge of my nose."

"Had it not been for Claude, it would have gone through your head," Ciel huffed.

"I guess you're right," Alois laughed. He looked down at himself, "So I fell through two floors and landed in a rose bush?"

Ciel laughed, "So Luca planted roses?"

Alois laugh died away, "Actually, that idiot did... He knew how much I loved red roses, so he was always determined to grow some for me. Of course they never grew, since he planted them in a dark basement. I should go check up on them."

Ciel nodded, "I'll go with you, but let's save that for another day. Time to forget, there's Claude's car."

Alois looked up to see Claude car roaring up the ashes as the car carved its way to them. Alois hesitated at the sight of Claude. Ciel placed a hand on Alois' shoulder, "It's goi to be okay now. Nothing happened."

Claude got out of the as Sebastian pulled up. When Sebastian got out, they all gathered together back in the middle.  Alois wrapped his arms around Alois' waist and frowned, "Who's gun is that?"

Ciel went over to pick it up, "Mine. We were going to shoot crows." 

Claude lifted a brow, "It looks oddly familiar, don't you think so Sebastian?"

Sebastian looked at the gun and something flashed behind his eyes. Alois nudged into Claude stomach, and Ciel frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Sebastian shook his head, "I don't know. I don't know what he is talking about."

Ciel opened his mouth to argue, but Alois interrupted, "Ciel, if he said he doesn't know, leave it. There is no use in fighting. He probably doesn't know. If he did, we all have secrets. You have yours, I have mine, And Claude has some too, right Claude?"

Claude flinched back, "Yeah... We all have secrets. It was probably just me anyway."

CIel nodded reluctantly but took Sebastian's hand. Sebastian pulled Ciel tightly against him as he glared over at Claude. Claude only gave Sebastian a knowing look before scooping Alois into his arms and nuzzling the small blonde. Alois giggled, "Let's all just go home."

Sebastian nuzzled at Ciel's neck, "Yeah, while we all have a happy ending."

Sebastian dragged his bottom lip along Ciel's jaw before kissing him softly. The pair didn't move as the held each other closely. They remained like that even after Claude had carried Alois to the car and drove off.

Ciel smiled at Sebastian, "Happy ending?"

"You're right," Sebastian whispered. "This is only the beginning..."

He picked Ciel up, and Ciel wrapped his legs around Sebastian's waist as they. They kissed deeply and passionately, as if they were to be torn apart again, but Sebastian's arms were wrapped tight around Ciel. He would do the impossible to make it their happy forever.

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