Chapter 6

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Ciel's lips parted slightly. His breathing was soft and came in deep slow breaths.

His hips lifted up off the bed just slightly and he squirmed as his sleeping body felt a weight shift onto him.

A devilish smile creeped onto Ciel's sleeping face. His head was still full of sleep and dreams of a tall dark haired man.

The weight didn't move off his stomach

I thought he went home thought Ciel.

Then, he felt breathing tickle his face. He opened his eyes just a crack. In an instant, he was awake with his eyes wide, "Elizabeth?!"

Lizzy pouted, "Call me Lizzy."

She leaned down and pressed her lips and kissed Ciel. He kissed her back.

It doesn't feel the same.

Ciel pulled away, and Lizzy looked at him sadly, "Is something wrong?"

"Morning breath, sorry," he lied.

She cocked her head to the side, "Your mouth was actually pretty minty."

He rubbed his eyes, "That's because I fell asleep like an hour ago."

Lizzy frowned, "I told you not to play so many games. Your life revolves around them..."

She continued with her rant, but Ciel was long gone. He remembered the previous night.


Sebastian bit his lip and moved closer.

Ciel turned his head to the side only slightly amused, "You really suck."

Sebastian sighed and pulled away, "I really do."

Ciel leaned over Sebastian, his fingers moving quickly with fast light grace. Sebastian's eyes widened. He watched Ciel stupefied. Ciel was amazing.

Then, Ciel straightened out and grinned, "There."

Sebastian blinked, "How'd you learn to play like that?"

Ciel blushed, "You said it before. I'm a Neet."

Sebastian looked at Ciel, "Teach me to play like you."

Ciel looked down at him surprised and nodded.

Since Sebastian was sitting in the only chair, he opened his legs and patted the spot between, "I won't try anything, I promise."

Even with that promise, Ciel's heart was beating so hard he worried Sebastian would feel it. But Ciel nodded, he stood in front of Sebastian and slowly sat down.

Sebastian smiled, "Now, teach me how to be as good as you."

Ciel laughed, "That is not possible."

Sebastian felt his heart flip at the sound of Ciel's laugh. He gulped and smiled again, "Well, it's your job. Now, you are my tutor."

They pair played for hours. They laughed and joked. At some point, Ciel even leaned back into Sebastian. Ciel blushed at feeling. Sebastian felt great against him.

What Ciel didn't realize was Sebastian was blushing with the same thought.

So, on they played until it was twelve and Sebastian grew tired.

Ciel stood from his spot and felt cold. He looked up at Sebastian, "You can sleep here. Tomorrow is Saturday. It's okay you don't have to go home so late; you can stay here."

Please stay here.

Sebastian shook his head, "I had fun. Thank you for everything, but I can't stay."

I want to stay Sebastian thought. But if I stay, I won't be able to control myself. I must win you over, not take over you.

Sebastian smiled and picked up his things before leaving.

Ciel sat down on his chair. It was cold now.

Ciel continued to play games half heartedly until seven in the morning. Then, he dragged himself to bed and waited for sleep to come.

The whole room smelled of him.


"Ciel? Ciel?! Are you listening?!"

Lizzy's nagging brought Ciel out of his memories.

He sighed, "Yes, Lizzy. Please, get off I need to change."

Lizzy got off, and Ciel went into the closet. He came out wearing a black t-shirt and some dark skinny jeans with his black converse.

Lizzy scrunched her nose, "Why do you dress so dark? It's not cute. You look better in color, and what's with the t-shirt? You should try more with your look..."

And off Lizzy went on a new rant. Ciel rolled his eyes and looked for a way to break away from her. He looked over at his desk and his brows furrowed.

He walked over and picked up a notebook. It was Sebastian's.

Ciel walked to the door of his room with the notebook in his hand, "Sorry, Lizzy. I know you came all this way, but I have to go return this to a friend."

She pouted, "Let Lizzy go with you. I really wanted to spend time with Ciel."

"No, I have to go on my own."

With that, he left the room and Lizzy behind.

He sent a quick text to to Sebastian:

What's your address?

It wasnt long before Sebastian replied plainly:

1969 Butler st. Apt# C

Ciel found it strange Sebastian didn't ask why he asked. He found it more strange he didn't tell him before he asked for his address.

Ciel shrugged and walked to Sebastian's place. He looked at the notebook. Sebastian was always scribbling something in it as Ciel worked out a problem.

A paper stuck out of the notebook. Ciel pulled it out and stopped.

It was him. It was a drawing of him, perfectly drawn and colored. It felt like looking in the mirror. It was perfect down to every detail, even his different colored eye.

Ciel put a hand over his purple colored eye. It has turned that way after his house burned down and orphaned him.

Some doctors blamed the color change on trauma. Others said something must've fallen into the eye. Ciel didn't really care he could see just fine out of the eye.

He put the drawing back. In no time, he reached where Sebastian lived. The whole way he stared at the notebook, thinking of the drawing inside. He shook his head and knocked on the door.

A shirtless Sebastian with sleepy eyes opened the door moments later, "Hey. Oh, I left my notebook. Sorry to make you come all this way to bring it you didn't have to."

Ciel stared at him as he spoke and wiped the sleepiness from his eyes. Ciel looked at the floor to hide a faint blush and shook his head. He looked at the notebook once more before handing it to him, "No... I liked it."

Sebastian took the notebook and looked at him confused, "Hmm?"

Ciel blushed brightly, turned, and ran away.

Sebastian watched after him with a smile and the notebook at his side. The paper sticking out of the notebook.

A Neet for a Tutor (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now