Chapter 12

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Ciel woke up and scrunched his nose Ew I'm going to be all sticky.

Ciel touched his stomach and thighs and frowned. He wasn't sticky at all. He opened his eyes sleepily and found Sebastian snoring quietly with his lips slightly parted.

Ciel smiled and kissed Sebastian's lips softly so he wouldn't wake. Then, Ciel stood up and left Sebastian in the bed alone.

Ciel went to the bathroom and got into the shower. Not five minutes had passed, when the door opened and a groggy Sebastian toddled in. He lifted his head to look at Ciel.

Ciel blushed, "Idiot! You knock! I'm naked here!"

Sebastian rubbed at his eyes like a sleepy child, "And I'm here naked. Besides, you didn't seem to mind at all being naked last night."

Ciel blushed brighter, "Shut up!"

Sebastian walked over and pushed the glass door open. He stuck his head into the shower and kissed Ciel before squeezing Ciel's butt playfully.

Ciel jumped back with a gasp that turned into a flustered growl.

Sebastian gave him a clumsy smile, "Okay, okay. I get it I'll leave, but first I must brush my teeth."

Sebastian spun on his heel and almost crashed into the wall. Ciel giggles and Sebastian scowled back at him before a clumsy smile broke through.

All done with his shower, Ciel walked back to his room to find Sebastian curled up asleep again.

Ciel shook his head at the sight and then left to change Idiot should at least wear clothes.

When Ciel returned dressed, he placed his hand on Sebastian's side and shook him lightly. Sebastian stretched but curled up right after. Ciel still rested his hand on Sebastian's side. Ciel tilted his head and traced his hand down Sebastian's ribs, to his stomach, over his hip, and down Sebastian's thigh.

Sebastian lifted his head up and looked at Ciel. He smiled mischievously at Ciel, "What a way to wake up a person."

Ciel blushed and pulled away his hand, "Sorry."

Sebastian sat up and pulled the blanket around his bottom half. He shook his head, "I don't mind at all, trust me. But I suggest: if you want to stay clean, don't do that."

Ciel gulped and bit his lip.

Sebastian stood up still holding the blanket around him and stood in front of Ciel. He kissed him and then pulled away, "Let me shower and cool off. I'll be fast. I'm starving."

Ciel squinted after him as Sebastian left the room. He called after him, "I hope you're talking about food, you perv!"

"I was! So who's the real perv?!" Sebastian yelled over the shower.

Ciel grumbled.

Sebastian changed back into the clothes from the day before. He scrunched his nose as he dried his hair with a towel, "Remind me to bring clothes next time."

Ciel looked over at Sebastian and shrugged. The pair spent the day playing Ciel's games before Sebastian dragged himself home.

Ciel had fallen alseep that night with a stupid smile stuck to his face. The next morning he was talking lazily with Alois.

"Ooo, so what happened after you two left?" Alois gushed.

"You mean after you took Claude and left?" Ciel glared at his friend.

Alois waved his hand, "Meh, little details."

Ciel rolled his eyes and shoved his things into his locker.

A Neet for a Tutor (Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now