Chapter 8

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A/N: Neither author is homophobic or racist. Any action or comment made by a character is strictly to fit the plot. No hating!
Ciel looked over at Sebastian. Sebastian turned and caught him looking. Ciel didn't turn away.

It was Monday afternoon, and the pair had gone to Ciel's room after school to study. Since they began studying, Sebastian would try teaching, but Ciel just kept looking up at him.

"That's the fifth time I catch you looking at me," Sebastian pointed out. "What's wrong?"

Ciel shook his head like the past times and went back to work. It wasn't long though before his eyes drifted up once more.

Sebastian sighed and closed his book, "What is it?"

Ciel took out a chocolate bar and nibbled on it, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"If you say nothing is wrong, then you have to be thinking of something." Sebastian reasoned.

Ciel looked at the floor and bit his lip.

"It's okay," Sebastian encouraged.

He shook his head weakly.

Sebastian placed his finger under Ciel's chin and lifted his face to look at him.

Ciel didn't turn away. He couldn't, "I saw you yesterday."

Sebastian felt his blood go cold, "O-oh?"

Ciel nodded, "You walked into a back alley of downtown. You walked into the slums."

He didn't deny it, "Yeah, I did."

Ciel stood up an looked at Sebastian, "Say it's not true. Say you don't take drugs."

Sebastian chuckled under his breath and stood up, "It's not."

Ciel hid his face, looking at his fidgeting feet.

Sebastian sighed, "I only drink."

"Then, why were you there?" Ciel whispered so lightly Sebastian barely heard.

"Why do you care?"

Ciel bit his lip and stayed quiet.

"I went there to visit a lady, that I guess you can call my foster mom," Sebastian finally said.

"Don't lie to me. You don't have to tell me... but don't fucking lie!" Ciel started in a whisper and ended in a yell, looking up at him with teary eyes.

Sebastian's lips opened then shut, opened then shut, like a breathless fish. Ciel's teary eyes burned into him. Sebastian took a step towards him then another. Ciel stepped back as well, backing into the wall.

Sebastian stumbled onto Ciel. He hugged Ciel close and leaned his forehead onto Ciel's. Sebastian's eyes were shut. He couldn't see Ciel cry.

"I'm not lying," he managed out weakly. Then, he kissed him.

Sebastian kissed Ciel. Kissed him for the apology he couldn't give him, and all the guilt and regret he felt.

Sebastian rested his hands on Ciel's hips and pushed him against the wall. Ciel placed his hands onto Sebastian's chest.

Sebastian's tongue traced the lips that spilt the laugh he dreamt of. Ciel's tongue tasted the sweet mouth his chocolates' sweetness couldn't match.

They didn't know how long they kissed and they didn't care either. They were lost in the kiss. Mouths molding with each other. Tongues playing with one another.


Lizzy walked in.

She froze for a second. That was it. The shock lasted one second.

Then, she saw Ciel's tear streaked face and charged to push Sebastian off. She glared up at Sebastian, "What the hell do you think you're doing?! That's sick! You can't kiss Ciel! You can't force him against a wall and kiss him! He's crying! Get out! Leave!"

Sebastian didn't move or say anything. He looked down at Lizzy curiously.

Lizzy flared, "Didn't you hear me?! Out! No one wants you here!"

Sebastian still didn't reply, but he didn't need to. The minute Lizzy finished, Ciel came between them, "No, Elizabeth! No one wants you here! You can't just barge into my room whenever you want! You're annoying! I'm sick of putting up with you! You can't just come in here and start yelling! I actually invited him here! What's your fucking excuse today?! Why are you here?"

Lizzy looked up at Ciel. Her mouth fell open, but no words came out. Then, she started to cry.

Sebastian moved next to Ciel, "Thank you for defending me, but you should never treat a lady so harshly."

Ciel glared up at him like Sebastian was an idiot.

"This is my fault. I'm sorry Elizabeth. If you want, I will leave. I'm sorry for the things you were told because of me."

Sebastian was about to place his hand on Lizzy's shoulder, but she slapped it aside. She glared at them, "You both are sick. Especially, you. You're the one who turned Ciel this way. It is your fault he said such mean things to me. It's your fault I lost him. You took him from me! I hate you, you stupid gay!"

Lizzy ran out in tears, and once she was gone the room was silent.

After a few silent minutes passed, Sebastian began gathering his things. He shoved them carelessly into his backpack and turned away from Ciel, "I should leave..."

Ciel said nothing, but once Sebastian began to walk, Ciel threw himself at Sebastian.

He wrapped his arms around Sebastian and hid his face between Sebastian's shoulders, "Please don't go."

Sebastian dropped his bag, turned, and hugged Ciel tightly. He kissed the top of Ciel's head and whispered, "Yes... my Lord."

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