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Diana's POV

It was my first day at college, so Sammy offered to drive me

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It was my first day at college, so Sammy offered to drive me.
Mainly because he doesn't trust me, by myself!

I'm 20!

When we got there, he parked his car in the parking lot and refused to get down; he didn't even let me get down.

"What new drama is this?" I asked, sarcastically.

His eyes became so big and he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Why are you so enthusiastic suddenly? " I narrowed my eyes at him, praying he doesn't start another trivial matter.

"I've got something for you!!!" he said excitedly. "I was going to show it to you yesterday, but I decided to wait until, right now!! "

"Um, okay. Where is it?" I sat up, and glared at him.

He brought out a box decorated with ribbons, from his bag. My mind traced to the impossible things!

It's probably a ring! *gasp* Sam wants to propose to me!!!

But the box isn't so small! Maybe the ring is inside a smaller box, so he wants to stress me by making me open empty boxes before finding a tiny box!


My heart was pounding so hard, I tried to control myself but I couldn't.
Things got weird when he handed me the box!!! Like, who proposes to someone like that?
I thought he was going to be the one to open it and ask stuffs like, "Will you marry me?"

I think my imagination is getting wild!

"Open it, quick!" He said, smiling widely; I imagined his mouth was going to tear..

I reluctantly unwrapped the box, and my eyes met what was written on top.

iPhone 13!!!!!

Sam got me a phone?! A phone!!!!

I turned to him with my mouth wide open. "Sam, you got me a phone!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHH!" I squealed and dived him, with a hug!

He was laughing uncontrollably, "I knew you'd like it. You're in college, so I figured you will need this!"

"How thoughtful! Thank you so much Sam, I really appreciate it" My smile faded away slowly, "But, wasn't it expensive? I really don't want you spending so much on me, I mean--"

"Shhhh" he placed his finger on my lips. He face was so close to mine, I thought I was going to melt into a puddle. There were thousands of butterflies running in my stomach. His presence made me feel... different...

What is this feeling?

"You don't have to worry about the money, it's my duty" his voice snapped me out of my weird thoughts. "Also, if you need anything, just call me. I already set everything on the phone, so you will not find it difficult".

"Erm, thanks. Um, I'm getting late, I should go in" I nervously got down the car. Sammy also got down, "Why are you in a hurry? I need to tell you something!"

"But Sam, I really need to get to class--"

"It won't take five minutes, I really need to tell you. It's just three words--"

"Diana!" A sharp voice called out to me. Before I could turn to see who it was, the person hugged me from behind.

"I'm so glad you're here!" I turned to face the person and realized it was Harry. I smiled awkwardly at him, "Hey Harry".

Sammy's face turned into one of, how do I put it?....


It was written all over his face. Harry tried to greet him, but he just shunned Harry and got into the car.
He started the engine and said to me, "I'll be here by 3pm!". After that, he drove off.

"What's up with him?" Harry asked with a slight chuckle.

"It's nothing. Come on, let's get going"

I walked into the principal's office to get some formalities done. Before entering, I knocked on the door but there was no response.
I knocked again before hearing a woman say, "Come in".
I opened the door slightly and peeked first, "May I come in ma'am?"

"Yes, I just said that. Come in!" She giggled at my question. She was interviewing another person, so I had to wait at the door.

"Okay, you can start today. Here's my card, it has my phone number and house address. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to call. Okay?" The principal said to the person whom she was interviewing. I couldn't see the person's face, but with the long brown hair, it appeared to be a girl. She was weeping uncontrollably, I felt sorry for her.

"It's going to be fine dear, I'm with you in this" The principal said, rubbing the girl's hands.

I stood there patiently, waiting for the girl to leave so I could finish my formalities and head back to class. Just then, I started thinking about Sammy. I think about him every single moment! It's getting out of control. I began questioning myself again.

What am I to Sammy? Am I just his responsibility or something more....

We became friends, but the feeling I have for him, is beyond friendship. Hannah and I were friends, also Harry, but I never felt this way for them. My feelings for Sammy is.... different...!

Do I perhaps, love Sam?...

I meditated deeply in my heart, searching for an answer. I started reminiscing again, all the times we have spent together. All the laughter, all the struggles, all the fights. I care for Sammy, I never imagined I would. I always thought of him as my mother's murderer, but I was wrong. He stood by me when I had no one. He rescued me from the brothel grandma dumped me at. He fought those goons for me, he even got beaten up for my sake!!

I've been convinced!

I Diana Omonga (I hate my last name), admit that I have fallen in love with......

...... Sammy Oberoi!

I can't lie to myself anymore! I love Sammy and I don't care what anyone has to say about it! I love him, I love Sammy!!!!!!

"You can leave now, be careful!" The principal woke me from my trance.

"Thank you ma'am, for the support!" the girl stood up from her seat, finally my turn.

She headed for the door and I was set to meet with the principal, when....

"Dia?" she called out to me. I turned to face her.


Avi? Here?

Word count: 1,060

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