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Sammy's POV

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here but the truth is, I can't stay here" Avi said sadly, standing up from the bed we were sitting on

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"Thank you so much for letting me stay here but the truth is, I can't stay here" Avi said sadly, standing up from the bed we were sitting on.

"But why? " Diana asked standing up too, so did I.

"You don't like the room? If that's the problem, I can arrange for another room--" I examined the room, looking for whatever reason she wouldn't like to stay.

"No no no, that's not the case" she explained,"The reason why I don't want to stay here is because I don't want to be a burden--"

"Shhh!" Diana covered Avi's mouth, cutting her off. "Don't you ever! Don't Avi! You're my sister, how can you ever be a burden, huh?"

Avi gently removed Diana's hand from her lips and held it, "Dia, I know that, but you can't speak on behalf of the rest family members here. For example, Sammy's mother. It's obvious she doesn't want me here, and I really don't want to be the cause of your problems".

"Never. You aren't at fault, so don't blame yourself please. Forget all that already, just be comfortable and make yourself at home" I said to Avi.

"Sam is right. I'll feel really bad if you leave" Diana said, pulling Avi in for a hug. "Please stay."

Avi hesitated for a moment before finally agreeing. "Fine, I'll stay. Only for your sake" she said to Diana.

"Yay!" Diana jumped for joy. She looked absolutely beautiful and cute. Looking at her makes my mind go wild, it makes my heart beat a thousand time faster.

Gosh! I'm madly in love with this girl!

I really wanted to tell her how I feel earlier today, but that Harry guy interrupted us! He had the audacity to hug my Dia from behind. I felt like punching him, I have no idea how I managed to control myself. After acting like that with my Dia, he had the guts to greet me! Did he really expect me to respond to his stupid greeting after touching my Dia? What a moron!

Harry is becoming a threat! I need to act fast!

"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Avi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Wha-huh?" I stammered in turmoil.

"Hmm, you've been staring at my cousin for a while now. Hmmm.." she cooed at me and Diana.

Who wouldn't stare at your cousin? Have you seen her!!!

"No Avi, it's not what you think" Diana tried to explain, but Avi kept making kissy faces at the both of us. I chuckled nervously and scratched my head.

I felt shy🙈

Diana's face turned red instantly, but she tried so hard to control her blushing. Even I tried to, but things were just plain awkward.

"Avi, stop that now!" Diana demanded, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Sam and Dia sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i--" Diana quickly hit her with a pillow, shutting her up. I have to say, Avi is really stubborn. Diana chased her round the room, holding a pillow, while Avi kept running from Dia and singing that kissy song.

A pillow was thrown at my direction, Dia threw it at me by accident, but I'm sure she did that on purpose. I grabbed the pillow and threw it back at her. Avi threw a pillow at me also, and I did the same to her. Soon, we three were throwing and hitting one another with pillows. Feathers came out of the pillows due to the excess hitting and flinging. The whole room became a mess, but at least we had fun.

I slipped on one of the pillows and Dia tried to hold me from falling, but instead I pulled her to the ground with me. My back hit the ground hard, I felt an excruciating pain, out of this world. Dia was on top of me, and she attempted to get off me, but of course I didn't let her.

How could I let such a golden opportunity go to waste!

I pulled her back down, holding her tiny waist. A tiny gasp escaped her lips, and she gazed at me. I got lost, staring into her soul, feeling her breath on my face.


"Hello! Don't be shameless, I'm standing right here" Avi interrupted us, covering her eyes with her hands. Although, she was peeking from a tiny space she opened, with her fingers.

I cleared my throat nervously, while Dia blinked continuously in confusion. "Get off." I whispered softly in her ear. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks turned red. Immediately, she got off me in shame. She cleared her throat, and fixed her dress. I grinned at her before getting off the floor. Avi uncovered her eyes and stared at us.

"Oooooh" she cooed, slightly nudging Diana's shoulder with hers. Dia glared at her sharply, but that didn't stop Avi.

"Avi, if you--"

"RITA!!!!!" Mom's voice echoed loudly.

"Mom?" I asked myself, wondering why she yelled. Diana, Avi and I, ran out to check what was happening. The commotion was happening in Rita's room. I ran inside Rita and Adler's room, along with Dia and Avi.

"Mommy!" Romi cried out, kneeling on the ground, next to his mother's unconscious body.

"W-ak-e up-pp.....!" Mom cried bitterly, kneeling next to Romi and buried her face in Rita's chest.

"Mom? Romi? What's going on? What happened to Rita?" I asked anxiously. I went closer to Rita's body, finding it lifeless...
A loud thud in my chest, making my heart sink in shock. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw a stool, positioned under the ceiling fan. The ceiling fan had a rope hanging.

Rita committed suicide!!!

I collapsed on the ground, sitting, covering my mouth in shock. "M-m-mom, wha-what happened?"

"Ri-Rita killed herself! I called out to Rita continuously, but there was no response from her room. I called Manesh and asked him to break the door open. Manesh managed to break the door down, and when I got in, Rita was hanging on the....the...the---" Mom was shaking badly, she pointed to the ceiling fan and I shut my eyes in anguish.

Grandma heard about the commotion, and she came running into Rita's room. Her Blood Pressure rose rapidly, immediately she saw Rita lifeless on the ground. Diana took grandma to her room to give her her BP medicine. Avi took Romi away from the vicinity, while he resisted and cried out for his mom.

What sort of affliction landed in our home?

I saw a letter on her dresser and read it solemnly.

If you're reading this, you've probably seen me dead. I'm sorry, but I can't continue with life anymore. I haven't been the best wife, daughter-in-law or mother, but at least I tried my best. Adler broke my heart, he ripped it out of my chest. I can't live without Adler, I just can't. My son must be in pain, I'm sorry my dear child, but mommy can't continue like this. Always remember, mommy loves you. Please, take care of yourself always my child. And whoever reads this, I'm pleading with you, please take care of my son.
I hope my next life will be better than this one. Till we meet again 🌹


P.S inform all my social media followers about my demise.


Word count: 1,234

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