Start of a new journey

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"You'll be late!" Kris yells.

"Be down in a few mins." I said, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Don't take too long!" She said as she shut the door behind her.

I couldn't believe, I was getting married.Marrying a person,that I had no idea I would be with.

Let me tell you how it all happend.Btw I'm Merryl Allen.

It all began right back when I was 18..Just out of high school. Two crazy,weird  18 year olds. My bestfriend Crystal Watson and Myself moved to London, finally setting our dream into reality. Finally moving to London for higher studies as in college.

"Take care you two. And keep me updated. And eat your meals on time. don't skip dinner, do yoga. And sle-" As usual, my mom was ranting about the do's and don'ts for the hundreth time.

"Ma,I know!! You told me this for the hundredth time! I told you,I'll be fine." I told her and rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry aunty! I'm with her, I'll take care of her." Crystal aka 'kris' as I called her told my mum.

"Okay,okay. Baby girl, I'm just worried I mean, you grew up so fast. And you're moving out so soon. " she said cupping my cheeks.

"I know mum, but..."I rested my hands on her shoulders,"I'm big enough to handle myself okay? I'll call you don't worry."

"Okay." She said tearing up a little bit.

"Mum!!" I said wiping her tears.

"Sorry. Come here," she said and opened her arms.

I hugged her.

"Aww," kris said.

"Sophie they are gonna be fine." Kris' mum said to my mum.

"You know, I always loved your mum kris!look at her so cool and not worried, Mum learn from her." I said laughing.

"Cool,right. Only if you know she did her quota at home itself." Kris said putting the last bag in the car.

"Now, we should really go. We gotta be there before dark." I said.

"Yes." Kris said.

"Okay, take care and call when you reach." Kris' mum said.

We nodded and sat in the car.
I was driving for a while.

"Byee!"we said in one voice. We drove out, while our mothers looked at us.

"Finally!" I said as we were on our way.

"Its gonna be a hell lot of fun bestfriend!" Kris said throwing on her shades and blasting music on the radio.

"Sure is." I said, singing along to all the songs that were playing on the radio.

*finally reaching London*

"Its absolutely stunning, ain't it?" I said now looking out of the passenger window. Kris had taken over the driving now.

"I know right? A beautiful dream come true." she said taking a turn into our small rented apartment parking lot.
Our parents helped us rent this place,since we weren't comfortable with the idea of hostel life.

We grabbed our luggage and put in the elevator. I searched for the keys and then unlocked the door.

"Woah," I said, because the place was already, cleant and set up by my  elder sister Annie a week earlier.

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