You should talk

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Niall's P.O.V
Lazing around,still upset about what happend between Merryl and me. I never wanted any of that to happen. I was drunk. I wish I could bring it back.
Tears ran down my cheeks. Memories of us flashed in front of my eyes.

There was a knock. I got up. Least bothered to fix hair. I wiped my tears and opened the door.

"Look at you mahn,you're a mess," Louis said entering.

"What are you doing here..." I asked.

"First, fix yourself Niall..I cannot see you in this condition." Louis said.

I nodded. After freshening up he made me breakfast.

"Eat. You haven't been eating,nor sleeping..both of you are stubborn kids." He told pushing the plate forward.

Both? So she too has been starving? Typical Merryl. She is so crazy. She keeps starving herself like so often but I had told her not to.

"So why are you here?" I asked taking a bite.

"I have to talk to you.." Louis told me and took a sip of water.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"You know, Merryl is my bestfriend..right from childhood days.." he said. I raised my eyebrow.

He sighed and continued," I don't like what happend. Niall, you guys were so happy, so in love. Until that happend. I think you guys should talk. Try and figure out a solution."

"Do you think I didn't try to talk to her mate?" I said holding back my tears because I messed up everything. I broke her heart.

"Niall..I-" I cut him off by saying,"I did, I called, texted, went there did everything. But no. All she did was refused to listen. I-I," I couldn't hold back my tears. I held my head in my hands,letting go of those tears.

"Mate, mate calm down..I- I didn't want to hurt you but next week is Christmas.. she is driving back home I wish you guys sort it out before that." Louis told me giving me hug.

"I am..going to Ireland. We were planning on spending Christmas together. But now, I don't see that happening. So.." I told him.

I walked to my closet and came back with a gift and envelope.

"I...I am leaving tomorrow to help mum with shopping and stuff. So please give this to her on Christmas." I said handing him the box.

"Sure mate," he said smiling.

"I think we need this break. Maybe when I'm back, things can be sorted. This time can be used to think. "

Louis nodded. "Well, I gotta go. Kate is leaving tonight to go back to Manchester. I gotta drop her. So see ya later mate. " he said pulling me into a hug.

"Take care." He whispered into my ear.

I smiled and Louis left.

I won't let go of her. Never. I loved her. More than anything. She always looked around and smiled at the things in the world, the birds or the flowers. But I looked at her. I smiled. Why? Because she was my world. I just hope things get better.

Sorrrryyy guys! I was so busy studying!! Bare with me a week more! Semesters!!!

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