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Finally the most awaited day arrived. It was finally the eve of his birthday. We were right now lying on the couch cuddled up,watching a movie.

He put my hair behind and gently kissed my forehead. I smiled and continued watching.

*after sometime*
It was almost 12 midnight. I hope the suprise goes the way I planned.

The second it struck 12 the whole house lights went down.

"Oh God Why now!!" Niall said in complete darkness.

Niall's P.O.V
I got no response. I couldn't even see anything. It was pitch dark.

"Babe?" I called out to her.

All I got was dead silence. As I got up to fetch for torch I seen a candle lighting up. All of a sudden the room lights were back. Front of me was a huge cake. And our group.

Before I could say anything they began singing Happy Birthday to me. Merryl handed me a knife.

As they concluded I blew the 19 candles on my cake saying goodbye to 18 and saying hello to 19! I made a wish inside my heart and cut the cake. I had this constant wide smile and a little tears in my eyes. I fed Merryl first,
"Happppyyy Birthday Love!" She wished me and I gave a peck on her lips and then fed the rest.

While I bent to take a piece,Louis and Liam pushed me and I fell into the cake and at the same time Harry sprayed silly string and snow spray on me.

Merryl and the girls bursted into laughter.

"Guys!! You'll are so in trouble!" I said and grabbed the cans from Harry and sprayed it all over them. We were a mess,a big mess.

After minutes of laughter we cleant and I gave them my tshirts.

"Thank you guys! You guys mean so much to me!This little thing made me feel special.." I said to them.

"Wait for-" Harry said and Liam put his hand on his mouth.

"For?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing nothing." Merryl said.

"Here Horan have this!" Louis said handing me a drink.

"So here's to Niall's amazing year ahead!" Liam said and we said "Cheers".

We all sat laughing and talking, drinking as well. The guys got to high so they decided to stay. They said they were good in the guest room and the hall. So Evanna,Kris and Kate took the room while the guys on the couch. I went to my room where Merryl was already asleep.

I laid down beside her and scooped her as she faced the opposite side. She was asleep but felt my touch so she turned over,now facing me. She put her arm around me and smiled with her eyes shut. I kissed her forehead and whispered "I love you so much Babe" and held her tight slowly drifting off to sleep.

Infinity Omgggg ahhh The songs effing perfectttt!!ahhhhhhhh

So guys what do you think of the story so far?

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