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Merryl's P.O.V
Christmas was a week away. I was about to leave for home. "Tomlinson are you gonna get your ass here asap or should I leave without you?" I called out to Louis as we were getting ready to leave.

Crystal gave me a look that said Wait for it.

He came running towards us. She gaveme a I told you so look.

I and Crystal began laughing.

"K-king," I said laughing like a maniac.

"Yes! You loser!" He said. Though he didn't mean it,I got angry and playfully began scratching him with my nails.

"Get your witchy nails off me!" He yelled annoyed af.

"No!" I stuck my tongue out.

"Oh okay then!" He said and began tickling me.
"Tommo stop!!" I said not having any control over my laughter.

I began running all over the house. He ran after me.

"Stop!" He shouted to me.

"No!" I said running and dropping water on the floor. He didn't see it and skid his way lying flat on the floor.

"Ow!" he yelled in pain.

"Hahah! Oh I'm sorry!" I said making an 'O' face.

"Shut up!" Louis said.

"No I won't. Just look at the so called king on the floor!" I made fun of him.

" Will you'll stop, stop acting like kids and if you wanna make it home before midnight you'll got to get your arses RIGHT.NOW OUT!" Crystal said.

I looked at Louis and then at her.

"Yes Madam," I said.

She laughed. I helped the on the floor king Louis get up. He fake smiled and murmured a thank you.

I hugged Crystal as tight as I could. It was the first Christmas without her. She was flying to Harry's Hometown. She was gonna miss the family dinner that Louis,hers and my family had on Christmas. She was gonna miss the midnight dance we friends back home had.

"Miss me." I told her.

"I won't." She said.

"I know you will."

"You know me well then." She said smiling.

"Take care. " she told me.

I smiled and she gave Louis a tight hug and we left.

I sat on the drivers seat. Louis sat on the passenger seat. He kept our bags in the car backseat.

"Ready?" I asked him as he closed the door.

"Yep," he said and smiled.

I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Kris stood there while I drove out. She waved a bye to us.
Soon we were on our way.

Louis blasted music. He played 'Larger than Life' by Backstreet Boys. My fave band right since I was a kid.

The two of us sang our lungs out.

In a matter of 4 and half hours we reached home.

I drove to the garage side of my house. My mum and his mum came out from the house hearing the honk of the car. As I got out of the car mum came and hugged me.

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