I'm falling for you

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*next morning*

I'm fast asleep under the covers.

"Wake up you lazy, sleepy head!" A voice said, and someone pulled the covers off my face.

The sunlight blinded me for a few seconds. My sight was blurry. I rubbed my eyes. It was Brooklyn sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Morning.." I said as I sat up.

"Morning sleepy head!" He said and messed my hair .

I pouted. And tried to mess his but it wouldn't. "How long have you been here?" I asked.

"30mins!" He said.

"Well..that long?What are you doing here so early?" I asked him.

"Well Miss, its not 'early' its 11 a.m! And I wanted to take you for breakfast!" He said.

"Oh..hehe..we can still go..but lunch." I told him smiling like a kid.

"I doubt lunch would be possible if you don't get up from your bed." He said standing.

"No..I don't wanna get out of bed!" I said whining.

"Don't act like a baby. Or I'll have to carry you out!" He said.

"Okay then, do it." I said jokingly.

Little did I know he actually would.
"Fine then." He said and carried me on his back and walked me to my bathroom. He pushed me in and locked me.

"Hurry up! Or I'll not unlock!" He said.

"Brookyyy not fairrr!! Open! Now!!" I said.

"No! Freshen up fast." He said.

Fine I mumbled under my breath.

I brushed my teeth, got freshened and then asked him to open.

"Now, c'mon dress up fast, I've booked us movie tickets." He says and throws my clothes on my face.

"You seem to make plans quick.Now wait outside." I said giggling at the way brooky was ordering me.

"Kay, fast okay!" He said kissing my cheek and going out of the room. It was kinda awkward the way he used to do that so often and now after so long.

I put on a white tee, a leather jacket, black skinny jeans and converse.Tied my hair into a pony. I grabbed my RayBans and my phone. There was a text from Niall as always a Good Morning. I ignored it and went out. He was talking to my mum

"You looking gorgeous," he said.

"I know." I said.

"Take care you two. Be home by 6 please. There's someone coming to suprise you." Mum says.

"Who?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Wait and see baby." She tells me.

"Now, let's go, we don't want to miss the start." He says and pulls me along with him.

"Bye mum!" I tell and we leave.

"Which movie are we gonna watch?" I asked him.

"Well..uhh" he stutters while rubbing the back of his head. He needed to stop doing that. He was reminding me of Niall.

"What Brooky?" I asked.

"There's no movie. I just wanted to get us out of there." He controlled his laughter.

"Funny." I said bloating my cheeks.

"C'mon, was it wrong, that I wanted to spend time with my bestfriend?" He said poking my cheeks while his one hand was on my shoulder.

"Maybe not." I said and smiled.

"Now, lets go for lunch. I'm hungry." He said.

"Okay." I said and we walked down to an Italian Restaurant. Both of us were crazy over Pasta.

After we placed our order.

"You said you never had a girlfriend...you liar!" I told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked trying his best to act like he doesn't know anything.

"C'mon Brooky! I know about Caroline. The girls told me."

"Well, Yes.Caroline was my girlfriend." He said looking down.

"Wait, what do you mean was?" I said.

He was silent.
I got up and sat next to him.

"Brooky, you can tell me you know that right?" I told him.

"So,yes. She broke things off because she found another guy. And even I wanted to break things off because I was in love with someone else." He said and looked into my eyes.

"Who?" I asked.

"A gir-" He was broken off by the waiter placing our order on the table.

The rest of the lunch was silent. After lunch we went to the lake side. I sat on the cement pavement and he sat next to me.

"Tell me, who were you talking about?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid she would walk away if I told her. " he said now looking at the calm waters.

"I don't know how she would react, but brooky tell me who's that lucky girl?" I said nudging him in his rib.

He blushed like an idiot.
"Well..." he said and paused.

He then took a deep breath. "That girl is.." he then looked at me.

"Hmm?" I said looking at him.

He pushed my hair back and got close.
"That girls you." He said looking into my eyes.

Did I hear it right? He said me. I was frozen, words weren't coming out of my mouth. Before I could reply he kissed me. I broke away from the kiss.

"B-brooky, no. No this can't happen. " I told him and looked down.

"Why? I thought you did like me?" He said softly.

"Yes, I mean I do like you brooky, you're undoubtedly amazing but. No I like you only as my bestfriend." I told him.

"I'm sorry." He said almost on the verge of breaking down.

"No..no its okay. Its just that, I have loved Niall alot. Like alot. And things that happend between him and me shouldn't have happend." I said now letting water droplets out of my eyes. What were they called again? Yes, stupid tears.

"You love him alot don't you?" He asked.

I nodded. "Alot more than I should. I hope, things get better." I said wiping away tears.

"It hopefully will." He tried smiling.

"I'm sorry brooky. I-I broke your heart." I said.

"Its absolutely okay, I'm good. As long as you'll be happy, I'm gonna be fine." He said and opened his arms.
I hugged him and rested my head on his chest.

"Thanks for understanding me." I smiled.

"Obviously I understand you,you're my bestfriend, and I hope you din't change that after this?" He asked, still not releasing me from the hug.

"Nothing would change that." I told him and released the hug.

"I'm glad to hear that." He said.

"Now lets goooo! Its almost 6! " I got up and caught his hand and made him stand and dragged him.


For all you curious, yes Brooklyn is Brooklyn Beckham!! Sorry I really have major crush on him. Don't we all? Anyway!

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