The Family

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*next morning*

"Baby.." I heard a familiar voice whisper.

I pulled my sheets over my head, trying to ignore any object or human for that moment to get some more sleep.

"Princess, wake up." My boyfriend said pulling the bedsheet.

My eyes fluttered open,trying to adjust to the light.
A huge smile grew over my face,seeing Niall, the guy I love so much finally beside me.

"GoodMorning baby girl." He said pulling me into a tight hug, and kissing the top of my forehead.

"Morning hun," I said burying my head into his chest.

"I- I think I..I" He was a bit nervous as I broke away from the hug and looked at him.

"You're nervous aren't you? You know my family already loves you." I looked up into his eyes. "You don't have to worry." I said smiling and then kissing his gentle soft pink lips.

I could kiss him all day, and never get tired of him.

"I love you.. so much." He said with that adorable smile that melts my heart.

"I love you more..and now, come on." I said and pulled him along with me.

I walked into the kitchen to where my mum was making breakfast and Annie was talking who seemed like to Ashton on the phone.

"Morning mum,..Annie." I said smiling. Niall followed me into the kitchen.

"Good Morn-" My mom turned to wish me until she seen Niall. He kinda just stood there nervous as ever, fiddling with the back of his hair while he ran his fingers through it.

"You must be Niall." She said smiling.

"I a-am." He said smiling.

"Looks like you guys are back together." Mum said.

"Yes we are.." I told her while I held onto his hand.

"I'm glad. And Son, make yourself feel like home." She said turning back to flip the waffles.

I nudged Niall teasing him 'son' I whispered to him. He just gave me like 'stoppp' look as he reddened a bit.

Annie finally got off the phone.

"Hey Niall, Nice to see you. I'm glad my plan workedSadly,Someone hasn't thanked me yet, thats so sad." She said.

"Fine,attention seeker..Thank you very much." I said whining.

"Excuse me,look who's talking! I'm not an attention seeker!" She fought back.

"Is it always like this," Niall asked my mum while he took a seat next to me.

"Always." mom said serving him waffles.

"Oh well, these smell good..." he paused and took a bite,"And taste even more delicious." he complimented. Mom smiled at him.

"Shemakesthebestwuffles" I said with a stuffed mouth.

They looked at me and said in one tone,"What?"

"I meant, she does make the best waffles in the world." I said a little more clearly.

"Thank you." Mom said.

"Anyway, Niall so has she told you the big news yet?" Annie asked.

"N-No?" He said and looked at me like I was hiding something.

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