Suprise Birthday Bash

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*next morning*
I was woken up by my phone ringing.
It was mum. I answered.
"Hey mum!" I said in a sleepy tone.

"Happy Birthday!" She said over the phone.

"Thanks Ma!" I replied.

"So baby when are you coming with Merryl here?"she asked me referring to my plan of making Merryl meet my family which I forgot about.

"Ma,I actually...We are leaving" I said.

"Okay baby,you take care and Greg will come pick you both. Love you," she said.
"Love you too mum!" I said and hung up.

That's when Merryl entered the room.

"What is that about leaving tomorrow?" She asked.

"Actually baby," I said.

"Horan,is there something you forgot to tell me?" She asked.

I became a little nervous.
"I was taking to Ireland tomorrow. I wanted to make you meet family and my friends...They are throwing a party on 15th..So.. I .." I said and looked down.

"Tomorrow.Ireland.Family. OhMyGod." She said.

Merryl's P.O.V

"I'm sorry..." Niall said to me.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!??! Omg ahh!! What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm no good?! What am I gonna wear! I have to do so much..." I had a panic attack.

"Shhh..Mum already loves you..How can someone not love you? You're so adorable,so sweet and are the most nicest person who is so freaking beautiful.." He told me.

I became red. My blush couldn't be hidden. "Really?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"Come give me a hug," I said and opened my arms.

He hugged me tight. He kinda lifted me off my feet. His hugs were the best. So warm, it makes you feel so safe, it makes everything so much better.

He kissed my cheek and we let go. I stood there still in that position holding him and we smiled. I realised how beautiful his every feature was. How lucky I was to have him.

His blue eyes were deeper than the ocean. The only ocean I would love to drown in. His smile so angelic,his laugh so adorable,his touch so gentle,his heart so kind.Everything about him was special. It felt like God twisted the whole of heaven and put it into him. He was the best thing that happend to me.

"Babe?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah...." I said not realising I was actually lost in him.

"Babe?" Niall called out one more time in his sexy voice.

I snapped back.
"Sorry.." I laughed. He looked at me and smiled.

"Where's my gift?" He asked.

"Oh yes." I went to the cupboard and removed a big gift and a basket. The basket had letters sealed in envelopes.
Each one had a reason and time to open.
One read 'Open this when you know you miss me' another read, ' open when you are sad'
He smiled so wide.

He literally grabbed the gift from my hand and tore it open like a little kid opening his christmas gift.

I watched his face light up.

"You did not!" He said.

"You just did not get me signed jerseys!!" Niall exclaimed.

"And How! How can you...Omg..Babe I love you so so so much .!!!!" He said.

"I'm glad you liked it." I told him.

"I don't like but love it!!!!" He came and hugged me one more time. This time lifting me and spinning me around.

"Arr...Horan Put me down!!" I said holding onto him tight.

He put me down.

"Looks like someone's forgotten food!" I said.

"How can I forget the love of my life!!?!" He said smiling.

"Excuse me?!" I said pouting.

"Second..." He said frowning.

I laughed. He looked at me like "wtf" and laughed too.

We ate and spent the day talking and I sang to him.

Around 6 when it was time to get Niall out of the house for the party I just told him he had to do what I said and not question me if he truly loved me. I know I was great at blackmailing him so!

He got ready and then I took him to the car and blindfolded him.

"Now,wait." I told him and drove.

"Could you tell me where are you taking me?" He asked.

"You will know babe. Soon." I said and finally parking into the hotel parking lot. I took his hand and helped him get out as he was blindfolded.

I took him to the banquet where all were there.Our Friends and people who were close from college.

"On the count of three I'll remove your blind fold." I said and he nodded.

"One two....threeee.." I removed it.

Niall's P.O.V
As I opened my eyes I seen the whole freaking banquet with friends all dressed up and me standing in the middle of the room surrounded with blue balloons, cake with my picture on it.

"What? You planned a suprise?"
I said shocked.

"Yes I did!" She said.

I hugged.
"How much more awesome could you be?"

"I don't know. Alot?!" She said.

"C'mon will you cut the cake we're waiting Mahn!!" Louis said.

We giggled and I went. I cut the cake.

We had alot of fun. All people from college wished me and bombarded me with gifts.

I went and grabbed a drink. Thats when Cady came to me.

"Hello Mr. Handsome.." she said tracing her fingers up my arm.

"Cady? What are you doing here?" I asked trying to get distant.

"I came here with the team, maybe we could heat off something again? " she said now coming super close.

"Back off." I told her getting pissed off.

"But you know I'm way better,hotter and sexier than your lame girlfriend." She said in her bitchy accent.

"Oh please..Just stfu and get lost. And you being better? Thanks for the joke hun,now. Get the fuck off my sight before I have you forcefully thrown out." I said and took my drink. I shot her a stare and left.

The boys and girls were dancing. Merryl as usual sat in the corner. She never loved dancing. I went and grabbed her hand and literally got her on the dance floor. She still just stood there feeling shy.

"Babe c'mon dance!!" I told her.

"I can't," she said.

I forced her,and told her follow my lead.
She did. Finally getting opened up. She danced the rest of the night. I was so happy.

We all had a ball of a time. Once all had gone,leaving us we all began clicking pictures.. Agreeing and accepting we were all drunk.

One moreee!!yay

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