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"Fuck Jasper! I'm in love with you!"

Only I didn't say that.

"Ash I'm not going to argue with you," Jasper said, letting out a sigh then flopped down on my bed once again.

"Jasper I'm not in love with Preston," I said then sat down beside him and our eyes locked. "He... he kissed me and I didn't push him away. Yes, I went over to his house and spent the night but nothing happened."

"You don't have to explain it to me, Ash," he said. "I just want better for you and if that's going to be Preston, I'm not going to agree with it. I'm not going to accept it. I'll never like the idea that you would choose someone like him." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'll never like that... you chose... him."

The tension that built up between us while our eyes locked caused my heart to race. I always knew that Jasper would look out for my best interest and be there for me the same way I've been there for him. Our friendship meant everything to me and I couldn't let that go.

"I'm not choosing him," I said softly and it stung a pain in my chest to say those words. "I don't plan on blocking you out the same way you did with me." I shook my head. "You're my best friend and you mean too much to me to ruin a friendship of eight years."

This was the day and the moment that my crush for my sister's boyfriend's brother had faded.


Getting through the weekend wasn't easy. Getting through my first period wasn't easy. I sat in a different seat on purpose where all the seats around me were taken. Do you see where I'm going with this? I can't sit next to Preston. I want to but I can't. It stung to see Preston walking into the room, his eyes down then he lifted his head and his eyes locked on me. I thought about waving to him or giving him a small smile but instead I did something I was probably going to regret later. I dropped my head to my lap. I could hear my heart pounding against my chest and my brain was scrambling together. I just wanted this torture of an hour and a half to be over. The final bell rang and Mrs. Peggy started her lecture. I flipped open my notebook but before I could start my notes, my phone buzzed in my lap.

Preston: Are you mad at me?

I looked up then to my side where I knew he was sitting but he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were forward and even though I knew he could feel my eyes drilling a hole in his head he didn't budge. So I looked at my phone again and decided to text him back. The message I had in mind wasn't one that I was looking forward to texting but it was the truth.

Me: I think we should give each other some space.

I sent the message and hesitantly turned my head to look at him, hoping that at some point our eyes would lock again but I watched his thumbs move across his phone then he lifted his head once again, his eyes forward. My phone buzzed and I looked down at the message.

Preston: Did I do something?

I let out an internal breath. I didn't want to be having this conversation over the phone especially through text. Was this considered breaking up through text? The most pussy move a guy could make in the book. But were we even together? That part I was still unsure of.

Me: I just think we rushed things...

I turned off my phone but this time I didn't look in Preston's direction. It wasn't long before he sent me another message then another one followed that.

Preston: You think we did?

Preston: Or your overprotective friend thinks we did?

He was talking about Jasper. And he was right about it. But the fighter in me didn't want him to know that. I may not be able to lie to someone face to face but how would he know that I was lying to him through text.

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