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I was sitting in the passenger seat of Preston's car, filling him in on what happened on Tuesday. We weren't at school and we weren't in the parking lot. We actually left school before it even started. After seeing Jasper leave my house in the middle of the night I knew that being at school was the last place I needed to be. I don't know where Preston was taking me since we left the school parking lot.

"I don't feel like being here," I said but my voice barely came out above a whisper.

Preston was leaning against the hood of his car and I was standing in between his legs with my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms were wrapped around my waist. "You want me to take you home?" Preston asked and I shook my head.

"Can we go somewhere?"

He smirked then placed a quick kiss to my lips before standing up which caused me to step out of his arms. "Get in."

And now we're here. I silenced my phone, not like Jasper was going to text me anyways but mainly because I had a feeling Natalie or Quinn would.

"I don't want to keep thinking about Jasper but he's my best friend." I paused, letting the realization sink in. "Or he was my best friend."

"He still is your best friend, Ashton," Preston said, placing his hand on my thigh and glancing at me with a warm smile. "He's just confused."

"What is there to be confused about?"

That was a stupid question but in my defense at that moment I wasn't thinking straight.

"Someone that he thought he knew this whole time is changing and he's trying to figure out the best way to handle and process it," Preston stated and he was right. "I'd say maybe you both need to give each other some space."

"Kind of hard when we have to sleep in the same house," I said under my breath.

"Then don't go home."

There was a certain way he said those words to me that made me smile and when I looked at the side of his face I saw a smirk.

I love you.

"We're here."

I looked out the front windshield and remembered the familiar lot that he took us to last time when Jasper tagged along. Only this time the lot wasn't as packed as it was last time. There weren't a bunch of bystanders and racers most likely because it was still early in the morning. 7:05 am to be exact.

"What are we doing here?" I asked once he parked his car and we both took off our seatbelts.

"Well, you didn't want to go home and I figured you didn't want to go to my house, so I brought you here," Preston replied, finally being able to turn in his seat to fully face me.

I leaned into him, wanting to press our lips together but he stopped me before I got the chance. "But there's a reason I brought you here," he said and I raised my eyebrow trying to figure out what was about to happen.

Before I had any time to say anything the sound of a car revving its engine caused me to jump slightly and I quickly looked over Preston's shoulder noticing a familiar blue Subaru and silver Nissan backing up a few feet down from Preston's car.

"Preston..." my voice trailed off.

"You'll like it," Preston said, opening his door and stepping out of the car.

I did the same, following him as he made his way to the dark skinned male and the Hispanic male whose names I forgot and didn't care to remember. That was only because I didn't think I was going to see them again. 

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