Chapter 9

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Scene: Buck's Apartment

Buck steps into his apartment, the familiar space offering a brief respite from the whirlwind of emotions that have been consuming him. He thanks Carla for looking after Christopher while he was gone, then she leaves. The cozy, lived-in surroundings momentarily soothe his frayed nerves. However, the sight that greets him in the living room quickly brings back the weight of the day's events. Christopher sits on the couch, his small figure looking even more fragile against the backdrop of adult-sized furniture. His face is pale, his eyes wide with worry and fear that no child should ever have to bear.

Buck’s heart aches at the sight. Chris is too young to carry such heavy burdens. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself to be the rock that Christopher needs right now. Buck approaches slowly, not wanting to startle him.

Buck: (softly) "Hey, buddy. How are you holding up?"

Christopher looks up at him, his lower lip trembling. The child’s usually bright and curious eyes are now filled with a mix of confusion and dread.

Christopher: "Is Dad going to be okay?"

Buck kneels in front of him, bringing himself to eye level with Christopher. He places a comforting hand on Christopher's shoulder, trying to convey strength and reassurance through his touch.

Buck: "Your dad's strong, Chris. He's getting the best care possible. The doctors are doing everything they can to help him."

Christopher’s eyes fill with tears, his small frame trembling with the weight of his fears. The brave facade he’s been trying to maintain crumbles in the face of Buck’s gentle words.

Christopher: "I don’t want to lose him. I already lost my Mom. I can't lose my Dad"

The raw emotion in Christopher's voice shatters Buck's heart. He pulls Christopher into a gentle hug, wrapping his arms around him as if he can shield him from the harsh realities of the world.

Buck: "You're not going to lose him, Chris. Your dad’s a fighter. And we’re all here for him, and for you."

Christopher clings to Buck, his small hands gripping tightly onto Buck’s shirt as if letting go might make everything fall apart. Buck holds him tightly, feeling the boy's tears soak through his shirt. He wishes he could absorb all of Chris's fears and make them disappear.

They stay like that for a while, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Buck strokes Christopher’s back gently, whispering soothing words, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside the boy. Eventually, Christopher pulls back slightly, looking up at Buck with tear-streaked cheeks.

Christopher: "Can we visit him one day?"

Buck: (smiling softly) "Of course we can. Your dad will be happy to see you. Just being there will make him feel better."

Christopher nods, a flicker of hope returning to his eyes. Buck sees the exhaustion etched on his young face and knows that he needs to find a way to help Christopher relax.

Buck: "How about we watch a movie? Something fun to take our minds off things for a bit?"

Christopher considers this for a moment before nodding. Buck stands up and sits beside him on the couch, making sure the boy is comfortable. He flips through the movie options, eventually settling on one of Christopher’s favorites. As the movie starts, Buck sits beside him, close enough for Christopher to lean against him.

Scene: Buck's Apartment, Later That Night

The movie ends, and Buck looks down to find Christopher fast asleep, his head resting on Buck’s shoulder. Carefully, Buck maneuvers himself to pick up Christopher without waking him. He carries him to his bedroom, gently laying him down on the bed and tucking him in. As he stands there, watching the steady rise and fall of Christopher’s chest, Buck feels a deep sense of responsibility.

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