Chapter 11

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Scene: Hallway Outside the Recovery Room

Buck sits in the hallway, his mind racing with thoughts of Eddie and Christopher. He glances at the closed door, a mixture of hope and anxiety swirling in his chest. He wants to be there for them, to support them in any way he can.

A nurse walks by, giving Buck a sympathetic smile. He returns it, grateful for the kindness. His phone buzzes in his pocket, a text from Maddie checking in. Buck quickly types a reply, assuring her that everything is okay.

As he waits, memories of the past few days flood his mind—the fear he felt when Eddie was injured, the relief when the surgeon said he would recover, and the overwhelming sense of responsibility he felt for Christopher. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster, but Buck knows he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Scene: Hospital, Recovery Room

Inside, Eddie and Christopher continue their conversation, the bond between them growing stronger with each passing minute.

Christopher: "Can we do something fun when you get out of here, Dad? Maybe go to the beach ?"

Eddie’s smile widens, the thought of a future filled with such simple joys lifting his spirits.

Eddie: "That sounds like a great idea, Chris. I’d love to go to the beach with you."

Christopher’s face lights up, the promise of better days ahead bringing a spark of joy to his eyes.

Christopher: "And maybe Buck can come too?"

Eddie nods, his heart swelling with affection for both his son and Buck.

Eddie: "Absolutely. We'll ask him."

Christopher beams, the sense of security and love surrounding him like a warm blanket.

Scene: Hospital, Hallway

Buck leans against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment. The weight of the past few days catches up with him, pressing down on his shoulders, but he pushes it aside. His focus needs to remain on Eddie and Christopher. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

Hen approaches, a concerned look on her face, her footsteps echoing softly in the otherwise quiet hallway. She’s always had a knack for knowing when someone needs support, and today is no exception.

Hen: "Hey Buck, how's Eddie doing?"

Buck opens his eyes, meeting Hen’s gaze. He sees the genuine concern in her eyes, and it helps ground him.

Buck: "He's getting better. Slowly but surely."

Hen places a comforting hand on Buck's arm, the simple gesture offering a world of reassurance.

Hen: "And how are you holding up?"

Buck smiles faintly, the corners of his mouth lifting in a weary but grateful expression.

Buck: "I'm doing okay. Just trying to be there for Eddie and Chris."

Hen nods, understanding the unspoken depths of Buck's dedication. She’s seen how much Buck has taken on, and she admires his strength and resilience.

Hen: "You're doing a great job, Buck. Eddie and Chris are lucky to have you."

Buck looks down, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. The past few days have been an emotional rollercoaster, and Hen’s words hit him harder than he expected.

Buck: "Thanks, Hen. That means a lot."

Hen gives his arm a reassuring squeeze before stepping back slightly, her eyes never leaving his face.

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