Chapter 88

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Scene: Buck and Eddie’s Apartment, Living Room

After spending what felt like hours wrapped up in each other, Eddie, Christopher, and Buck finally began to stir from their cozy cocoon. The morning light filtered in through the blinds, filling the room with a soft glow that matched the warmth in Buck's heart. Eddie had drifted back into a light sleep after their snuggles, and Buck, wanting to prolong the peace, lay there quietly, enjoying the simple moments of togetherness. But as Christopher started shifting beside him, clearly getting restless, Buck knew it was time to get up.

Buck (playfully): "You know what sounds good right now?"

Christopher looked up at him, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

Buck: "Pancakes. Maybe waffles. Definitely some syrup. What do you think?"

Christopher’s face immediately lit up, his eyes wide with excitement at the mention of breakfast.

Christopher: "Can we go out for breakfast?!"

Buck chuckled, ruffling Christopher’s hair.

Buck: "That’s exactly what I was thinking."

But even as Christopher bounced on the bed at the idea, he quickly glanced over at his dad, still lying next to them, reluctant to leave his side.

Christopher (pouting slightly): "I wanna stay with Dad."

Buck couldn’t help but smile. He understood the need to cling to Eddie today—it was hard not to, after everything. But he knew Eddie needed a bit more time to get himself ready for the day.

Buck (gently teasing): "You can stay with Dad, but he’s gotta get dressed first. How about we watch some cartoons while we wait, and then we’ll all go together?"

Christopher hesitated for only a second before nodding enthusiastically. Buck scooped him up effortlessly, lifting the boy off the bed and onto his shoulders. Christopher giggled as Buck carried him out of the room, the sound bringing a sense of ease to the moment.

They settled on the couch in the living room, Buck flipping through the channels until he found one of Christopher’s favorite cartoons. He felt Christopher curl up next to him, warm and relaxed. The apartment, so often filled with tension and anxiety in recent days, now felt light, like the laughter filling the air was slowly pushing the shadows away.

A few minutes into the cartoon, Buck reached over, grinning mischievously as he started tickling Christopher’s sides. The boy’s surprised squeal turned into uncontrollable giggles as he wriggled under Buck’s hands.

Christopher (giggling breathlessly): "Buck, stop! You’re gonna make me fall off the couch!"

Buck (laughing, still tickling him): "Not if I catch you first!"

Christopher’s laughter echoed through the apartment, filling every corner with joy. It was a sound Buck cherished, one that reminded him of how resilient the little boy was, even after everything they'd all been through.

A few moments later, Buck heard footsteps behind them. He glanced up to see Eddie standing in the doorway, freshly showered and dressed. He leaned against the frame with a soft, loving smile on his face as he watched them.

Eddie (smiling warmly): "You two seem to be having fun."

Buck grinned back at him, still holding onto a wiggling, giggling Christopher.

Buck: "Always. This kid's impossible to wear out!"

Christopher jumped off the couch, running straight into Eddie’s waiting arms. Eddie scooped him up easily, spinning him in the air before pulling him close and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

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