Chapter 87

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Scene: Maddie’s House, Living Room

A little while later, Christopher emerged from the hallway, his small backpack slung over his shoulder, looking as ready as any child could be for the day ahead. His mismatched socks peeking out from the tops of his shoes made Buck smile, noticing how the little details—like Christopher’s insistence on getting dressed by himself—were markers of his growing independence. But no matter how independent he was trying to be, Christopher was still a kid who needed the safety and comfort of the people who loved him.

Christopher walked over to Maddie, his steps deliberate but slow, like he wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye yet. His small arms reached up for her as he leaned in, giving her a tight hug that was full of warmth and gratitude.

Christopher (his voice soft but full of affection): "Thanks for letting me stay, Aunt Maddie. Can you tell thank you to Uncle Chim for me please"

Maddie smiled, the kind of smile that softened her entire face, and she kissed the top of Christopher’s head, the gesture full of tenderness. She held him close for a moment longer, savoring the sweetness of the connection, knowing how much he meant to both her and Buck.

Maddie (gently): "You’re welcome, sweetheart. Anytime. And don't worry, I'll tell Chimney."

Her words were a promise, not just an invitation. She wanted him to know that her door was always open, whether it was for sleepovers, just to hang out or just if he needs to talk.

As Buck watched the two of them together, he felt a familiar warmth in his chest. Family. That’s what this was. Maddie had always been the steady presence in his life, no matter what. And now, seeing her with Christopher, it was like the pieces of their fragmented world were somehow fitting together, creating a patchwork of love and support that surrounded them all.

Buck stepped forward and bent down to pick up Christopher’s bag, slinging it over his shoulder with ease. He had done this countless times before—helping Christopher with his things, making sure he had everything he needed—but today, there was something different about the way Christopher immediately latched onto him, his small arms wrapping securely around Buck’s neck as he was lifted into his arms. It was a gesture full of trust, a silent confirmation that Christopher felt safe with him. It was something Buck never took for granted.

Christopher clung to Buck as if he were the center of his world, his head resting comfortably on Buck’s shoulder. And for Buck, the weight of Christopher in his arms was grounding, reminding him that despite everything swirling in his mind, this moment mattered. This connection mattered.

Buck took Christopher crutches and turned toward Maddie, his eyes soft with gratitude. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he knew Maddie already understood. She always did. She had been there for him in ways no one else could be, especially when things felt overwhelming. And now, after this morning’s conversation, after allowing him the space to break down and let go, he felt lighter. Not fixed, but lighter.

Buck (quiet but sincere): "I’ll text you later, okay?"

Maddie gave him a knowing look, the concern still there but tempered with the belief that he’d be okay. Maybe not right now, but eventually. She nodded, her expression filled with the kind of love and care only a sibling could offer.

Maddie (softly but firmly): "Take care of your boys, but, take care of yourself, too, please Buck."

Her eyes flickered with understanding. She knew that Buck often prioritized everyone else, putting their needs above his own, and she wanted him to remember that he deserved care, too. He needed to remember that.

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