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Hunter's little visit earlier has left me all hot and bothered. I could barely focus at work. All I could think about is him sneaking into my room tonight and making me cum in whatever way he chooses. I'm frustrated with myself for not being able to hold my ground around him. Or maybe it's sexual frustration? I don't fuckin' know. I just need to see him again.

It's almost 7:00 PM. I usually close up a little bit earlier so it gives me enough time to actually tidy up the shop and get the cats into their designated beds before I lock up the shop.

"Let's go, cuties." I say, shaking a bag of cat treats. That gets their attention almost immediately as they begin to rush over, almost trampling over each other. I giggle at how greedy they can be.

"Calm down. There's enough for you all." I chuckle, shaking my head as I head towards the backroom where the cat beds are. The cats follow me closely behind, acting like they haven't been fed for eternity.

Once inside the backroom, I open up the bag of treats. One of the cats jumps up, pawing at my leg. He happens to also be the fattest cat here and I can clearly see why.

"I don't think you need anymore treats, Toots. But here you go." I tease, leaning down to give him a treat. He takes the treat out of my hand eagerly and rushes over to his bed. Obviously, to hide his treat from the other cats.

I proceed to give each of the other cats a treat of their own before they head to their own beds as well. I also make sure their water and food bowls are topped up for the night.

I'm glad someone is here everyday to look after these poor buggers. I'm thinking about adopting one but I'll have to discuss that with Ysabelle and Ava first. Not that they would particularly care but they might also be a bit freaked out if I brought a random cat home.

I give a kiss to each of the cats, making sure they're all tucked in and rugged up. I linger for a bit on my favourite dwarf ginger kitty. Her name is Biscuit and she's one of the cutest kitties I've ever seen. She has a brown patch around her left eye in the shape of a heart. I smile every time I see her. I'm definitely talking to the girls tonight about adopting her.

"Goodnight, you crazy lot." I sigh exhaustedly. This job is great but it's also tiring looking after ten different cats at once. I turn on their little nightlight and flick off the main light as I exit out of the backroom, making sure to lock the door behind me so they can't escape in the middle of the night. That definitely won't look good on my resume.

I make my way back to behind the counter to retrieve my purse, my phone and the keys to the apartment.

It's already 7:02 PM. The sun has already set, filling outside with a little too much darkness for my liking. I would've ask Ysabelle to pick me up but she said she already had plans tonight and Ava wanted to hang out with Xavier. Those two are the shyest people I've ever met. I really wonder how that's turning out. I chuckle at thought.

I didn't want to text Hunter and ask him for a ride. It would give him too much satisfaction knowing I need him and I'd rather die than give him exactly what he wants.

You already did that earlier, dumbass.

Sighing, I make my way towards the exit to leave the cafe. I flick off the lights for the front room and make sure to lock that door behind me as well. The walk back to the apartment isn't that far at all but I also just hate walking around late at night by myself.

The cold air hits me as soon as I step outside. I wish Hunter was here to give me his hoodie again.

God, why does my mind always wander back to him?

The streets are deserted which is surprising considering it's a Saturday night. The street lights illuminate the road, giving a warm glow in the distance. I wrap my arms around my body, tightening my cardigan around myself to give myself some warmth as I head down the street, back to the apartment.

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