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I have not stopped crying since we left the doctors office. What made it worse was when that stupid fuckin' receptionist batted her eyelashes at Hunter and smiled when we walked past the front desk, almost like she knew we weren't having a baby after all and she somehow still had a chance with Hunter.

Hunter paid her no mind but I still couldn't fight back the rage and the tears. I was ready to jump the counter and give that bitch a taste of her own medicine but Hunter hauled my arse out of that place. He mustn't have wanted to be there any longer than I did.

We made it back to the mansion and I'm now in Hunter's bed, curled up in a tiny little fuckin' ball, wishing I could just fall off the face of the earth. Hunter offered for us to stop at a cafe to have something to eat, even offered to get me as many iced matchas as I wanted but I can't even stomach the thought of any food or any matcha. That's how you know I'm fuckin' upset.

"Ava, if you're here to yell at her too, I suggest you save it and leave." I hear Hunter faintly say behind the door. Almost sounds like he's half way down the hallway.

I prop my head up from the mention of Ava. I bet Ysabelle spilled her guts about me being pregnant but she has no idea how far that is from the truth.

"Excuse me?" Ava says, taking full offence to Hunter's words as she usually does. "I'm the nice one."

Hunter chuckles at her words as if that's a load of bull.

"What's going on here?" I hear another voice call out. It's Vinnie. Why the fuck is everyone here right now?

To be fair, Vinnie lives here. I shouldn't even be asking that.

Ava huffs and I hear a stomping sound. I can already picture Ava stomping her feet like a two year old. "Your girlfriend was a bitch to Evie and now this piece of shit won't let me see her."

"Hey, woah." Vinnie says, unimpressed. "Don't you fuckin' talk about my girl like that."

"Get the fuck over yourself." Ava scoffs. I softly chuckle to myself, proud of Ava for finally standing up for herself.

"Enough. Both of you." Hunter sighs, cutting them both off.

It's been an exhausting day for both of us and I know he's sick of having to deal with everyone's shit. Especially mine.

Then again, that's what he signed up for when he got involved with me.

"Whatever." Vinnie groans, his footsteps retreating further away.

"Can I please see her?" Ava begs.

"Fine but you have five minutes." Hunter grunts, their voices growing closer before I hear the sound of the door handle turning.

I quickly lower my head, shutting my eyes and pretending I'm asleep as they enter the room.

"Don't you fuckin' put a timer on me." Ava scowls, striding into the room before I feel a dip in the bed, assuming she's taken a seat at the foot of the bed. 

Hunter smacks his lips in disapproval, closing the bedroom door.

I feel a soft pat on my curled leg. "Evie." A soft whisper escapes Ava's lips.

I lift my head up slowly, blinking her and Hunter into focus. Ava's sitting on the bed while Hunter stands next to her, his arms folded over his chest. A pissed off look takes over his face and I have to fight the urge to giggle. He's such an angry twat.

"Hey, Aves." I mutter, slowly sitting up in the bed as I cross my legs, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, her face full of concern.

I chuckle, gesturing towards my tear stained face and puffy eyes that probably look like I've been punched several times in the face.

"Right. Stupid question." She giggles, quickly backtracking. "Izzy told me what happened."

"Yeah, well. The test was a lie." I admit, looking down at my hands that are fidgeting in my lap.

"What do you mean?" She asks, scooting closer towards me on the bed.

"I'm not pregnant." I blurt out, lifting my head to meet her gaze. I catch a glimpse of Hunter in the corner of my eye, his lips thinning as he lets me talk.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, Evie." She mumbles, placing a hand on my knee that's under the covers. "What happened?"

"False positive." My voice breaks at the end of my words, finally coming to terms with what's happened. A soft whimper escapes my throat as I blink back the tears.

Ava pouts as she rises from the bed, walking over towards me. She holds her arms out in front of her, making me stand from the bed to take her in for a tight hug. I rest my head on her shoulder and the tears begin to free fall down my cheeks.

"It's okay." She whispers, brushing a hand through my hair as she rests her head on top of mine. "When the time is right, you'll have a baby."

I pull away from her, sniffling as I wipe my nose and chuckle at her words. "Has Izzy gotten you into that 'everything happens for a reason' mentality?" I tease.

"Hey! I'm trying to be supportive and you're mocking me?" She responds, breaking out into a smile.

"Always, Aves." I reply, shooting her a gentle smile.

Maybe she's right. I definitely didn't need a baby at this time in my life. When it's supposed to happen, it'll happen.

I sigh, wiping the tears away with the back of my hand. "Come back home soon." Ava says, holding onto my arms.

"You'll have to take that up with Izzy." I joke, earning me a glare from Ava.

"Pfft. Don't worry about her." Ava waves a hand in the air. "It's your place just as much as it is hers."

I clear my throat awkwardly and nod in her direction. Hunter takes a few steps forward, stopping at my side as he wraps a hand around my waist. Ava instinctively lets go of my arms, quirking a brow at Hunter. "Can you chill? You're like a lost fuckin' puppy." She throws at Hunter.

"Woof." Hunter responds, chuckling to himself as I slap him on the chest playfully.

"Gross." Ava groans, turning on her heel to head for the door. "I'm outta here." She shoots me a backwards glance as she walks out of the door, holding onto the doorframe. "See you at home!" She shouts, walking down the hallway before I hear her voice in the distance. "Oh my god! Xavier!"

"Oh no." I slap my palms over my face, giggling to myself. I wonder if those two went home together last night.

Hunter shakes his head, placing another gentle kiss on the top of my head. "I don't know how you deal with her."

I gasp, pulling my hands away from my face as I look up at Hunter who's smirking down at me. "The same way I deal with you." I throw at him teasingly.

"Oh yeah?" He grins, stepping into me as he pushes me down onto the bed.

"Yeah." I respond, placing my hands behind me on the bed as I lean back, letting Hunter tower over me.

The way he's looking at me sends that familiar tingly feeling to the pit of my stomach.

God, I love this man.

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