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It's almost the afternoon. We agreed to all meet at the park to discuss Ysabelle's big secret. I'm headed towards the park when I catch Ava sitting on the big stone fountain in the middle of it. She looks up from her phone and chucks me a smile as I wave at her.

We literally live together but that doesn't stop us from getting all giddy just from seeing each other whenever we're out.

Ava's smile is so contagious, I can't help but giggle back at her. I make my way towards the fountain and slump down next to her.

"How was your day, Evie baby?" She asks me as she pulls a snack out of her bag.

"Very interesting." I reply, smiling at her. Before she can even reply, I hear Ysabelle's voice in the distance.

"Oi bitches!" She yells out from across the park as she's makes her way towards us. Ava and I both laugh.

"So, what's the big secret that you couldn't share over text?" Ava asks, taking a bite out of her oats bar, spilling crumbs all over her shirt. The mere sight of the fallen crumbs makes me cringe, a look of disgust takes over my face. Ava is such a slob which is crazy considering she's a fashion designer.

Don't even get me started on her bedroom. She likes to say 'she has everything on display'. I beg to frickin' differ. I almost break my neck every time I walk into that minefield.

My attention focuses back on Ysabelle when she mentions Saturday night.

"Something extra crazy happened on Saturday." She says as she kneels next to Ava on the edge of the fountain.

"Seriously?" Ava groans. "Could you not share this story over text?"

"No, bitch. I told you this shit is top secret." Ysabelle exclaims, hitting Ava on the shoulder.

"Chill, girl. Spill it." Ava says, rubbing the area Ysabelle slapped.

"Okay. So." She starts, holding her hands out infront of her ready to tell her 'top secret news'.

"Remember when Evie ran off to the bathroom and you disappeared to do God knows what with God knows who-"

Ava cuts Ysabelle off before she can even finish her sentence.

"Uh, excuse me? Are you trying to call me a whore?" She asks, raising her hand to block Ysabelle's face.

"Bitch, can you let me finish? Jesus Christ." Ysabelle snaps playfully, slapping Ava's hand down.

I can't help but laugh at these two grown women acting like children right beside me.

"Anyways, Vinnie came up to me on the dance floor and we really got into it, you know? Like a full pash, tongue and everything.." Ysabelle continues explaining.

My brows furrow with confusion. We already know that they were eating each others faces that night. How is this some top secret?

"Girl, do you think we're blind? Everyone at that party saw how much you were slutting it up for Vinnie." Ava teases with a mouth full of oats. She really needs to learn to swallow her food before she speaks.

"Bitch, please. Have you seen the man? As if you weren't slutting it up for him too." Ysabelle teases before she quickly backtracks. "Actually, don't do that. He's for me. Hands to yourself."

Ava rolls her eyes and I burst out laughing again.

Ysabelle waves a hand in our faces. "Guys, please, focus. Anyways, what you guys don't know is that when he dropped us back home and you guys rushed inside like scared little bitches." She points a threatening finger at us. "Which you didn't even thank him for him either!"

My brows furrow while Ava's mouth falls agape.

"I thought she wanted to be alone with him?" Ava says in a hushed tone to me, still trying to listen to Ysabelle yap.

I smile in agreement with her words, humming an 'mhm' even though that's not the case for me at all. I wanted to get away from that prick.

"It was a little rude.. Anyways.. Thank fuck you fucked off because we talked for a bit and he legit ASKED ME OUT!" Ysabelle squeals, flapping her hands excitedly

Ava and I stare at Ysabelle for a good minute, trying to piece together our next words.

Ava breaks the silence first. "No way. What about Blake?"

"Girl, fuck that loser. He was too chicken shit to make it official so that's his loss. You snooze, you lose." Ysabelle flicks her hair over her shoulder, completely unbothered. "Plus he's always 'busy' taking care of stuff. It felt like I was dating the fucking mafia boss or some shit."

Ava snorts, almost choking on her oats bar. "Girl, please."

I'm still struggling to grasp the situation. My mind lingers back to seeing Blake coming out of the cafe with his busted face.

"Have you seen Blake at all since Saturday?" I ask.

"Nope. He's been avoiding me. Which is honestly kind of a godsend cause now I can focus on me and Vinnie." Ysabelle giggles, her cheeks flashing a crimson red. Damn, she must really like this guy.

"Girl, I don't know how to tell you this, but I saw Blake near our local cafe today. His face was completely busted up." I muttered, fiddling with the zip on my bag.

Ysabelle stares at me, staying silent for a moment before she shrugs.

Ava gasps again, putting a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, Ysabelle."

Ysabelle doesn't even seem phased by the situation. "Honestly, it could be a sign from the universe. Maybe Blake and I weren't meant to be. Karmic energy ya know?" She says nonchalantly, flaring her hand out in front of her and fixing up her nails.

Ava side eyes her. "You need to stop with your spiritual shit. I'm beginning to think your crystals are bringing ME bad luck." She teases.

"Babes, maybe you just have bad energy. Fix your tude." Ysabelle teases, laughing.

I laugh with her until my eyes fall upon the two men heading towards us. Only when I focus my eyes properly do I notice it's Vinnie and fucking Hunter. What the hell are they doing here?

Ysabelle and Ava follow my gaze.

Ysabelle squeals and latches onto Ava's arm, almost causing Ava to drop her oats bar that she's somehow not finished yet.

"What the hell, bitch? I almost dropped my Nature Valley bar cause of you." Ava huffs, sweeping the crumbs from her lap.

Ysabelle brushes her off and fixes her hair. "Whatever, bitch. How do I look?!"

Ava shoves the last bit of her oats bar into her mouth. "You look like you're about to suck this bloke's dick in front of us and not have a care in the world." Ava teases with her mouth full.

"Don't tempt me. You recording?" Ysabelle teases and Ava shoves her pointer finger in her mouth and makes a fake gag sound.

"Whos dick are we sucking?" Vinnie asks teasingly when he reaches us with Hunter.

Hunter's eyes are burning into my skin that I feel the need to look away and focus on something else. I fiddle with the zip on my bag again.

I don't like how he has this overwhelming effect on me now.

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