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Four days later . . .

Xavier has finally been discharged from the hospital and Ava hasn't left his side once, not even for her classes. She's been trying her hardest to trigger his memories back but I think Xavier is starting to get frustrated with how suffocating she's being.

"Look.. Ava, is it?" Xavier sighs agitatedly, raising his hand in front of her face. "I'm sure you mean well but I could really use some rest."

Ava stiffens from his words, a frown stained upon her lips. "Oh.. sure." She mumbles, gently rising from the couch, throwing her purse over her shoulder. Her eyes flicker in my direction and a look of desperation overtakes her face, pleading for me to say something that will somehow alter the situation yet all I'm focused on is how Evelyn told me she fuckin' loves me four days ago and has been trying to avoid me ever since.

She's become so distant and it's starting to piss me the fuck off. Even when I show up late night and make her cum all over my fingers, face and cock, she still proceeds to tell me to leave right after, as if she's got some secret fuckin' boyfriend and she's afraid he'll catch us in the moment.

And that's not even the worst part of it all.. its the fact she's now making me wear condoms. Like really? My cock has been in her how many fuckin' times and now she decides she needs a barrier between us? Jesus fuckin' Christ.

"Hunter?" Ava calls out, drawing my focus back to the sad reality in front of me. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask, lifting my head up to meet her gaze, trying my best to conceal my expression but the rage fuckin' burns inside of me as if it's lava invading my bloodstream.

"Because you look-.." She begins, pointing a finger to her face in an attempt to recreate my facial expression before she trails off. "Never mind, don't worry." She sighs, looking back down at Xavier who's slumped on the lounge, trying to piece together his thoughts.

"I'll see you later.." She mumbles, leaning down to place a gentle peck on his cheek. Xavier flinches, quickly pulling his head away from hers as his eyes widen. "What're you doing?" He spits, eyeing Ava up and down. I can't tell if he's offended or just shocked.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." She stammers, clearing her throat nervously and rising to her full height as she slaps a hand over her mouth. "It's just.. a force of habit." She murmurs, fumbling past Xavier as she rushes for the door, not giving him a chance to say anything else.

Xavier lets out a long, exasperated sigh when the door closes behind Ava, rubbing his palms over his face. "Will she ever quit?"

I quirk a brow up at him. "Can't you just give her a break?" I snap, shaking my head as I rise from the armchair. "Whether you believe it or not, she was your girlfriend before the accident."

"Yeah, I've seen the fuckin' pictures like a thousand fucking times." Xavier grumbles, his agitation growing. "She waves that damn phone in my face every second that she spends with me."

The fucking nerve of this bloke. I'm really starting to miss the old Xavier.

I scoff in disbelief. "You're a real fuckin' prick, you know?"

Xavier chuckles, followed by a hiss as he grabs onto his ribs. "Ah, fuck me."

"Yeah, that's what you get." I shake my head, walking past him to the kitchen before I'm interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Maybe Evelyn has finally come to her fucking senses.

I quickly slide my phone out of my pocket, immediately greeted with a sting in my chest.

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