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My hands are restrained behind my back, a trickle of sweat falls down my forehead, trailing down my cheek, and the metallic smell of blood fills the room.

I groan as I try to raise my head only to be greeted with a throbbing pain in the back of it that radiates down my neck. "What the fuck.." I muttered, trying to move my legs only to find out they're also restrained to the legs of the chair I'm sitting on.

The dimly lit room leaves very little to the imagination so I have no idea where the fuck I am. I try to pull and loosen my hands against my restraints but it's fucking useless. Whoever tied these must be a fucking pro.

I curse under my breath as I look around the room, trying to gather my surroundings but I'm greeted with nothing except for a large metal door that looks like Hulk wouldn't even be able to smash through it. My eyes scan the concrete floor, noticing that it has brown specks scattered in random places. Is that the fucking blood I can smell?

My heart begins to race and panic sets in once I realise the situation I'm in. I don't remember how I got here or who the fuck brought me here. My bag from earlier is nowhere to be seen which means I don't have my phone to call anyone. Not that I could even do that with these fucking restraints.

I try to shake my hands free once more, sighing when I realise it's pointless. My head falls back down in defeat, my hair falling to cover my face.

The sound of a key unlocking a door makes me snap my head up. I brace myself for whoever the fuck is going to come through that door.

A tall male figure walks into the room. His head is down as he places the key into the back pocket of his jeans. My mind is still a little groggy but his salt and pepper hair is awfully familiar. I squint, trying to get a better sense of who is standing in front of me.

My breath hitches in my throat when he raises his head, glaring at me with a sardonic gaze. "Hello, my pretty girl. Long time, no see."

His eyes are blood shot, probably from the amount of drugs he's taken. How he's managed to even kidnap me and take me here baffles me with his state. His eyebags are potent, almost like he hasn't slept in months or maybe even years.

His grey shirt is tousled and covered in sweat, making him appear as if he's just woken up after being passed out for hours.

The urge to throw up or cry takes over me, overwhelming me to the point where I can't get any words out.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." He says nonchalantly, almost like he's oblivious to the fact he kidnapped his own daughter and is holding her hostage in his creepy fucking basement.

"D-dad?" I stammered, struggling to process how the hell this man could be here in New York or how he even managed to find me.

"There she is." He grins, the look so haunting that I can feel goosebumps prickle down my spine.

"What are you doing? Why am I tied up?" I muttered, looking around the room for an escape route.

I don't know how far I'll get with these restraints but the longer I'm trapped here, the closer I am to having a fucking panic attack.

"You think you can just run away from me and not deal with the fuckin' consequences?" He snapped, his tone switching from calm and collected to pure fucking evil. Creepily similar to when he would yell at me, high off his face for 'intruding into his house' and chase me into the bathroom until he eventually gave up.

I flinch at his words, the tone of his voice causing my mind to swarm with unwanted memories from the past.

"What are you talking about..?" I mumbled, avoiding eye contact as I look down at my tights that are now ripped at the knees, and my untied shoelaces. My hair falls on either side of my face, obstructing my view from him even more.

"You know what you fuckin did, you bitch." He growls, striding towards me before stopping directly in front of me.

The tears begin to bubble in my eyes as I wriggle in the chair, trying to free myself. He slaps his hands down on my knees as he squats down in front of me. I can feel his eyes burning into my skin even when I'm not looking at him. The state he's in already tells me he's taken something before he even came into the room. I remain silent, hoping he'll eventually give up and leave.

His breathing gets a little heavier as he pushes one side of my hair out of my face. I flinch from his touch, still unable to look up at him knowing I'm only going to see a stranger in his eyes rather than my fucking dad.

"Please stop.." I plead as tears begin streaming down my cheeks. He's too far gone.

"You don't get to fucking sit here and cry." He scoffs. "Not when you're the one who killed my fucking wife!"

He rises before me, grabbing a handful of my hair to force me to look up at him. His words have my brows furrowing with confusion.

"I didn't kill her.." I mumble. Fresh tears bubble in my eyes, turning his haunting face blurry.

"Don't you fucking lie to me!" He growls, slapping me across the face while still holding a fist full of my hair. My scalp begins to burn from the grip he has on me.

I shriek in horror when his hand slaps my face, a burning sensation forming on my cheek. "Please!" I plead desperately. The tears are never-ending. I can barely focus on what's in front of me.

"You fucking did it!" He shouts, shoving my head back as he lets go of my hair. "Admit it!"

My head falls down in front of me and my hair covers my face again. My breathing constantly hitches in my throat, struggling to keep it under control. I can feel a panic attack coming on when my airways begin closing up.

"I didn't do anything.." I stammered, my words cutting off from the lump in my throat. "She killed herself.."

The room falls silent. The sound of my ragged breathing and dad's soft growling as he takes in my words is the only thing I hear.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He hissed, striding back over towards me.

I brace myself for whatever he's about to do me, squeezing my eyes shut.

A commotion from outside causes me to snap my head up, praying someone is coming to save me from this shit.

Dad whips around, his attention focusing on the door he left opened when a familiar man storms inside with his gun raised.

I lift my head up, my teary eyes immediately meeting those safe, brown ones.

A soft smile forms on my lips even though it feels like I'm on the verge of blacking out again.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I hear my dad shout, pulling something out of his back pocket.

My vision becomes hazy, unable to take notice of what it actually is.

The sound of a gun fires, making me flinch and shriek in horror before dad falls back on the concrete floor. A pool of blood forms around him and I notice there's a bullet wound straight through his forehead.

He lays there as his body jerks, the blood oozing out of the wound before his body goes limp.

My lips part in shock, unable to catch my breath.

The sound of my name falling from Hunter's lips is the last thing I hear before my vision darkens again.

God of Mace | A Dark College RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now