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I'm being shaken awake by someone but I'm too exhausted to see who it is.

"Evie!" A soft voice yells.

"Hmm. 5 more minutes." I muttered, pulling my covers closer to my body.

They're suddenly being ripped from my body, causing me to groan in frustration as the cold air sweeps over me. What is with everyone taking my damn blankets off of me?

"What the hell?" I yell, sitting up to find Ava at the foot of my bed.

"Evie, you're already half an hour late for class. You've got to get up." She exclaims, throwing the covers she ripped off of me back onto the bottom of my bed.

Late? How the hell am I late? I'm never late. Where the hell is my phone?

Flashes of last night drastically fills my mind. Was all of that real or a dream? My mind is too hazy to figure that out right now.

My attention falls back onto Ava who's now walked towards my bedside table to retrieve my phone and throws it at me. "Might want to charge your phone too, babes." She says before she turns to exit my room.

I rub the sleep away from my eyes and turn on my phone.  It wasn't dead, I just switched it off which means.. last night was real.

I lift up the waistband of my shorts to find I'm not wearing any panties either which just confirms my suspicions. That motherfucker was in here.

I read the time on my phone. 8:37 AM. Classes started at frickin' 8.

I groan again as I pull myself out of bed. I've never been one to miss any of my classes. I'm always the first student waiting at the door before the professor even shows up. This is so not a good look for me.

I make my way towards my wardrobe and retrieve a knitted sweater, a pair of tights and another pair of underwear since someone decided to destroy mine. Where the hell did he even put them? Is that what that fucker took last night?

The thought instantly grosses me out and I remove it from my mind with a shake of the head.

That doesn't even matter. I just need to get ready and get to class.

I rush to have a shower and do my hair to make myself look somewhat presentable and not like I didn't just roll out of bed. Matter of fact, forced out of bed.. by Ava.

I grab my books and laptop from my desk and shove them into my backpack and slide on some white runners before I'm rushing out the door.

° °

I manage to make it in time for my second class of the day at least.  The professor is going over our previous assignment. News flash, I didn't finish it. I've barely even studied the past few days.

My phone vibrates in my hand and my heart begins to race again. I really hope it's not who I think it is.

I begin to relax when I realise it's only from the group chat with Ysabelle and Ava.

Ysabelle: HEY BITCHES. There's something top secret we must discuss. Meet me in the park near campus this afternoon!

Ava: What the hell is so important that you couldn't say it over text?

Ysabelle: Erm.. this is TOP SECRET HOT GIRL SHIT and it must not be sent through text. 🙅‍♀️

Ava: It actually baffles me how you're becoming a lawyer when you're this dramatic. 🙄

God of Mace | A Dark College RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now