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My first class dragged due to the unwanted presence next to me. However, Jayden did offer to give me a tour of the campus which I couldn't refuse considering I don't know anything about this place. Maybe I'm just being overdramatic. He could be a really nice guy.

Plus, beggars can't be choosers in this situation. I need all the support I can get.

The rest of my classes ended up flying by. All my professors are nice but strict which is what I need.

I didn't run into Hunter for the rest of the day which honestly kind of put a damper on my mood.

Our little conversation this morning keeps replaying over in my head, almost like a broken record in the back of my mind but I'm not complaining. The fact he's going to Cranebrook as well has me a bit too excited.

Ysabelle told Ava and I - or more like demanded - we meet her in the carpark so we can go do some shopping this afternoon.

As I'm walking through the carpark, my eyes focus on the BMW parked near Ysabelle. My heart flutters at the familiar figure leaning on the hood of the car with his head in his phone.

I pick up the pace of my steps as I walk towards him, clutching my bag strap in my hand to stop myself from shaking with nervousness. Why does he make me so nervous? Because you've never had a crush before, dumbass. I shoo the voice from my head.

My steps come to a halt when I notice a girl clinging to his arm. I could've sworn she was not here a second ago, but maybe I just didn't see her. The sight of Hunter with another girl is twisting a knot in my stomach. A part of me almost on the verge of throwing up. You need to relax, girl. You don't even know the guy yet.

I'm snapped from my racing thoughts when I hear my name being called from behind me.

Hunter's head snaps in my direction before he's staring at me for a moment with those dark eyes.

"Evie, baby! Are you ready to shop till we DROP?" Ysabelle squeals as she gets closer with Ava. I shift my focus to my two best friends and smile. "Always."

We're all getting into the car when I can still feel his eyes burning into my skin, Hunter's attention never leaving me even as we drive away.

I turn around in the backseat to look out the back window and I catch sight of the malicious grin forming on his face.

I am so totally screwed.

° °

We arrived at the shopping mall just before 4 o'clock. Some of the shops are already starting to close, making the mall look deserted.

We could've waited until the weekend to go on a proper shop when the shops are actually open but Ysabelle insisted an iron, and an iron board were necessities.

Ava and I beg to differ. It definitely could've waited until the weekend. And that's coming from a shopaholic herself.

"Seriously, Izzy. This is really putting a damper on my mood." Ava huffs.

"Why? Because Chanel is closed?" Ysabelle laughs at her own joke which earns her a glare from Ava.

I can't help but smile at these two bickering about bloody Chanel.

We finally make it to the one shop Ysabelle has been desperately craving all day which happens to be Kmart. It's your one stop shop since they literally stock everything from clothes to homewares to pet essentials and even cosmetics.

If there was a zombie apocalypse, this is where I'd hide out. They also have a candy section so I wouldn't starve to death before the zombies found me.

God of Mace | A Dark College RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now