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"Why were you hanging out with that guy from the diner? How do you know him? How long has this been going on for?" Ysabelle bombards me with a million and two questions as soon as we leave the library. I feel like my head is going to explode.

"Would you cut it out? I only met him on Monday! We just see each other around campus." I explain. I don't want to expose the way I also have explicit thoughts about the man.

"And you didn't think to introduce me to his friend?" She asks with a hint of betrayal in her voice.

I'm walking Ysabelle to her next class since I still got a free period. I'll probably head back to the library since Hunter would have left by now. A part of me hopes he's still there waiting for me.

Don't be delusional, girl.

"I literally just met him! I can't just be like 'oh hey, my friend thinks your friend is cute, can they hook up?" I whisper-yell.

Ysabelle gasps and acts all defensive as if that's not what she's trying to exactly do.

"Am I wrong?" I tease her.

Ysabelle raises her chin and tries to keep a straight face when she says, "Well, technically no.."

I burst out laughing alongside her. "Exactly, Izzy. I'm doing you a favour."

"Okay, maybe now is not a good time but Blake is just being a complete fuck stick. You either want me or you don't, ya know?" Ysabelle huffs.

"How come Ava and I have never seen him around campus?" I ask, genuinely concerned.

Does he even exist or has Ysabelle just created this man in her mind from her delusions?

"He's just always busy." She mutters.

"Hmm. He sure does sound like a loserrrr." I mock, making an L-shape with my fingers on my forehead.

"Who's a loser?" A rough voice comes from down the hall. Ysabelle gasps again, her eyes falling upon the man in front of us and an excited squeal leaves her lips.

"Blake!" She begins running down the hallway, jumping onto him and clinging to his body with her arms and legs as if her life depends on it.

Holy moly, he actually does exist. He's a handsome man with a strong jawline, orangish-red hair that resembles an old autumn leaf. He's also wearing the same varsity jacket that Jayden wears but he looks more prim and proper than Jayden does as if he goes to a private school.

I make my way down the hallway to catch up with them both. Ysabelle is climbing down from his frame, her arms remain wrapped around his neck as she introduces us.

"Evie! This is Blake." She smiles so genuinely when she introduces him like she's been waiting her whole life for this moment. "Blake, this is Evelyn, one of my best friends." She continues. Blake inches himself away from her embrace to properly introduce me.

I hold out my hand to shake his hand like we're about to agree on a business deal. It's only when I realise he hasn't taken my hand for a handshake and he's now just staring down at my hand before staring at me. That got awkward real fast.

I tuck my hand back into the pocket of my hoodie and clear my throat. "Nice to meet you, I guess." He nods in what I'd assume is agreement.

Ysabelle still has that big smile on her face, almost as if she's oblivious to the awkward encounter right in front of her.

My phone begins to vibrate in my back pocket. I reach behind me to retrieve it and I notice an unknown number is calling me. My heart begins racing, wondering who could be calling me.

God of Mace | A Dark College RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now