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"What was your name again?" Zander asks, drawing my focus to him.

"Evelyn." I replied, giving him a sweet smile. I don't think it ever occurred to me that I'd have to meet Hunter's father eventually. Definitely not under these circumstances either. I wonder where his mother is?

Come to think of it, he's never actually mentioned anything about his parents before.

"Oh, lovely name. Similar to my wife's." His lips quirk up in a smirk, as if he's remembering a fond memory.

I chuckle awkwardly, intrigued by the mention of Hunter's mother. "What's her name?"

"Evaline." He says, turning his gaze to me. "She was the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

"Was?" I blurt out, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Zander chuckles, looking down at his wrist as he fiddles with his watch again. "Yeah.. she passed away last year."

My lips thin, clearing my throat awkwardly. "Oh, I'm so sorry about that."

Zander shoots me a soft smile, his eyes showing a hint of sadness. "It's fine."

This is definitely a topic I shouldn't delve deeper into.

The sound of the door of Xavier's room opening catches my attention, my head whipping in that direction before my eyes land on Hunter who's leaving the room. I rise from my seat quickly, waltzing over towards him before I stop directly under him. "How is he?"

Hunter sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Not good."

I wrap my arms around his back, glueing myself to his core as I rest my head against his chest, letting out a breath. Hunter instinctively wraps his arms around my shoulders, resting his head on the top of mine. His heart beats rapidly against his chest, vibrating against my ear. I've never seen Hunter so stressed before.

"Mr. Brown?" A voice calls out into the waiting room. Hunter's head snaps up as I pull myself away before I snuggle into his side. My eyes land on one of the doctors holding a clipboard, searching the waiting room for the person he's looking for. The man next to Hunter's father rises from his seat quickly, rushing over towards the doctor, Zander following closely behind him. I'm assuming that's Xavier's father. There's a similar resemblance between them both and he's responding to the surname.

"Over here, doc." Xavier's father says, reaching the doctor with a look of concern spread upon his face. He folds his arms over chest, waiting impatiently for what the doctor has to say.

The doctor greets him a soft smile, reading over his clipboard before he darts his eyes back to Xavier's father. "We need to operate on your son, sir. Preferably now while he's still in the coma."

Xavier's father sighs, rubbing his hands over his face before Zander places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze, followed by a curt nod. "It needs to be done, Rueben."

The doctor clears his throat, dropping his clipboard to the side and placing his pen in the pocket of his coat. "I can assure you, he is in good hands. The operation will go smoothly." The doctor begins, his eyes zero in on Rueben's. "The longer we leave it, the more damage will be done to his brain and he could risk losing more of his memories. Maybe even years worth."

Hunter tightens his grip around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his side. I place my hand on his chest, slowly tracing my nails over his chest to ease some of the tension.

Rueben's head snaps up, his lips parted in shock. "Fine.." He sighs, evidently exhausted. "Start the operation."

The doctor nods in his direction, turning on his heel to head off down the hallway. Probably to assemble a team to undergo the surgery.

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