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The drive home was mixed with Ava's questions and Ysabelle's irritable silence. She let out a frustrated sound every time Ava brought up anything to do with Hunter and constantly turned up the radio to drown out the conversation.

I tried to ask her what happened when we got out of the car but she refused to share. We never keep anything from each other so I'm trusting it's for my own good or maybe hers if she doesn't want to say anything.

I went straight to my room to rest and prepare myself for tomorrow. Ava keeps coming in to make sure I'm conscious and not showing any signs of a concussion.

She's such a worrywart that girl. Maybe she should have been the aspiring therapist.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ava sits on the edge of the bed next to me, brushing the strands of my hair out of my face.

"Ava, I'm fine. If I feel worse, I'll be sure to tell you." I mutter, assuring her.

"Concussion symptoms don't show up straight away! What if you have internal bleeding and you have no idea?" She exclaims, waving her hands frantically in front of her.

Okay, I definitely didn't need that thought.

"I highly doubt it." I say, trying to convince myself more than her at this point.

She sighs in defeat and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Fine, I'll let you rest." She rises from the bed and slowly begins to walk away before she stops in her tracks again. "But if you need ANYTHING-"

"Ava!" I cut her off.

"You're right, sorry. But please just let us know if you do need anything, Evie. Love you!" She smiles and I return one back as she leaves the room.

As much as I love my friends, they can be suffocating which can be good sometimes but not when I'm overstimulated and need my space to do things for myself. Like now.

My current task is figuring out how to prep for an interview.

I've never actually had a job before so this is a huge step for me and I'm extremely nervous for tomorrow.

It doesn't help that I'll probably have a bruise on my forehead tomorrow morning and will have to ask Ava for some help after all to cover it up.

I retrieve my laptop from my bag and do a quick google search on what I should wear, what questions to expect and how to answer them, etc. You know, the usual.

A ping notification appears at the top right corner of my screen displaying a message. My heart stops beating for a second.

Unknown Number: Hey, Snowflake.

There's only one person who calls me that. The real question is how the hell did he get my number?

Another message pings.

Unknown Number: How are you feeling?

Why does he seem so genuinely concerned?

Maybe he should've focused on Claudia and none of this would've happened.

A part of me knows they're nothing based on how he treats her but it could all be a front.

What if they're both messing with me?

Evelyn: How did you get my number?

The text bubble shows for a moment then disappears.

I sigh and decide to go back to google searching when another ping finally comes through.

God of Mace | A Dark College RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now