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Authors Note:

I'm feeling angsty today, Please don't hate me for writing this. I just need to get it out somewhere....


The mission goes awry, leaving (Y/N) critically injured after saving Bucky. As she lies in a coma, Steve is consumed with guilt and stays by her side.


#Guilt #Amnesia #LifeIsPrecious #Angst

A Mission of the Heart

Agent (Y/N) and Steve Rogers stood in the bustling briefing room, ready for another mission. But today, tension hung thick in the air. They had a silly and unnecessary dispute earlier, driven by Steve's jealousy and ego. He had seen (Y/N) chatting with another agent and let his insecurities get the better of him.

"(Y/N), you need to be more focused on the mission," Steve said sharply.

"I am focused, Steve. Just because I talked to Sam doesn't mean I'm not taking this seriously," (Y/N) snapped back, frustration evident in her voice.

"Fine, whatever," Steve muttered, turning away.

The mission was perilous, involving a high-stakes infiltration of a HYDRA base. As they moved through the corridors, an explosion rocked the building. Debris flew everywhere, and in the chaos, (Y/N) noticed a HYDRA agent aiming at Bucky.

Without hesitation, she pushed Bucky out of the way, taking the full impact of the blast. The force threw her against a wall, and she crumpled to the ground, unconscious and gravely injured. Blood pooled around her as Steve rushed to her side, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Medic! We need a medic!" Steve yelled, his voice cracking with desperation.

Her injuries were severe: broken ribs, a concussion, deep lacerations, and internal bleeding. She was rushed back to the base, where doctors worked frantically to stabilize her. Steve stood outside the operating room, his hands clenched into fists, guilt gnawing at him.

"I should have been there for her," Steve muttered, tears brimming in his eyes.

Bucky placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can't blame yourself, Steve. She made her choice to save me."

Days turned into weeks, and (Y/N) remained in a coma. Steve rarely left her side, holding her hand and talking to her, hoping she could hear him.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I should have been there. I should have protected you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Bucky visited often, offering silent support. One evening, as Steve stepped out to grab a quick shower, (Y/N) woke up. Disoriented and scared, she thrashed against the restraints, her eyes wide with panic.

"Where am I? What's happening?" she screamed, struggling against the doctors who tried to calm her.

By the time Steve rushed back, she had been sedated. He stood frozen in the doorway, his heart breaking at the sight of her restrained and terrified.

"She didn't recognize me," one of the doctors said softly. "She doesn't remember anything."

Steve's guilt intensified. He had to find a way to help her remember, to rebuild what they had lost. The next few days were agonizing as he tried to reach out to her. She was a shadow of her former self, quiet and withdrawn.

"Hey, it's me, Steve. I know you don't remember, but I'm here. I'll always be here," he said gently, sitting beside her bed.

Slowly, he started bringing in small tokens of their past: a favorite book, a scarf she loved, photos of their missions together. He told her stories, shared memories, hoping to spark something within her.

One afternoon, as he showed her a picture of them laughing together on a beach mission, she looked at him with a glimmer of recognition.

"You were always there," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

Steve's heart leaped with hope. "Yes, (Y/N). I always will be."

Days turned into weeks, and with patience and love, Steve began to see glimpses of her old self. They took small walks around the facility, and he introduced her to their friends again. Bucky, Natasha, and Sam all helped, sharing stories and moments they had with her.

The breakthrough came one night when they were sitting on a bench under the stars. Steve handed her a small sketchbook. Inside were drawings he had made of her, capturing her strength and beauty in every stroke.

"You drew these?" she asked, tears filling her eyes.

"Yes," Steve replied, his voice choked with emotion. "You're my inspiration, (Y/N)."

She looked at him, really looked at him, and for the first time, she reached out to touch his face. "I remember... you. I remember us."

Steve's eyes filled with tears as he pulled her into a gentle embrace. "Welcome back," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

Despite her slow recovery, (Y/N) still struggled with her memories and emotions. The more she remembered, the more the pain of their past together surfaced. Her mind was fractured, and while she cherished Steve's presence, the weight of their history was overwhelming.

One fateful night, as they sat under the stars again, she finally broke down.

"Steve, I don't know if I can ever be who I was before. I feel... lost," she confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Steve held her close, his heart breaking. "We'll get through this together, (Y/N). I promise."

But (Y/N) couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness. The emotional toll of her injuries, combined with the fragmented memories and her struggles to regain her sense of self, was too much. As the weeks passed, she grew more distant, the once bright spark in her eyes dimming.

One morning, Steve woke up to find her side of the bed empty. Panic surged through him as he searched the base, only to find her in the medical wing, her body lifeless and cold. A note lay beside her, written in her trembling hand.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I couldn't fight anymore. Thank you for everything. I love you."

Steve collapsed to his knees, the weight of his guilt and grief crashing down on him. Bucky and Natasha found him hours later, clutching (Y/N)'s lifeless hand, tears streaming down his face.

"She was my everything," Steve whispered, broken.

In the end, Steve was left with only memories and the unbearable pain of losing the woman he loved. He vowed to honor her sacrifice, carrying her memory with him as a constant reminder of the love they shared and the cost of their mission.

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